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The geology of the central portion of the Isthmus of Panama.

Hershey, Oscar H, 1874-


  • Lugar de Publicação California: University of California
  • Tipo de Documento Libro
  • Descrição En: Bulletin of the Department of Geology. - Vol. 2, no. 8 (1901). - California : Universidad de California, 1901
  • Identificador 3085
  • Resumo Separata. Area studied -- Topography -- Formations earlier than the Pleistocene -- Resume of the Pre-Pliocene isthmian history -- Pleistocene formations -- The middle Pleistocene uplift -- A recent depression of the coastal lands -- Summary of Post-Eocene earth movements -- Origins of Isthmus stream courses -- Pleistocene oscillations of the Southwest Coast of North America