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Record 38 of 585 for the search All fields incunab*  And Document Type Libro 

Biblia latina

Prüss, Joann - impresor

  • Place of publication [Strasbourg : Johannes Pruess]
  • Edition [Strasbourg : Johannes Pruess]
  • Type Libro
  • Subject Incunables
  • Physical description 538 h.; Fol.
  • Description HC 3095.
    Pell 2322.
    GW 4260.
    Pol 662 (+Supl.).
    BMC I, 119.
    Goff B - 583 (+Supl.1972).
    IBP 1023.
    CIH 644.
    IDL 846.
    IBE 1027.
  • Call number Inc/440
  • Identifier bdh0000101067
  • Related collections Ciencia y cultura en general > Manuscritos. Libros notables. Bibliofilia > Incunables