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Record 39 of 39 for the search Author S. J.  And Institución Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal 

˜The œtravels and controversies of Friar Domingo Navarrete, 1618 1688

Fernández Navarrete, Domingo, 1618-1689
Cummins, J. S.

  • Place of publication Cambridge, Hakluyt Society, 1962,
  • Edition Cambridge
    Hakluyt Society
  • Type Libro
  • Physical description 2 vol. il. 23 cm
  • Description edited from manuscript and printed sources by J. S. Cummins
  • Call number H.G. 37131 V.
    H.G. 37132 V.
  • Identifier 287684
  • UDC 92 Fernandez Navarrete, D.
    271.2 Fernandez Navarrete, D.