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Record 2 of 3 for the search Document Type Libro And Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España And tipo de materia Concilio de Trento (1545-1563) - Comentarios 

Pasquine in a traunce [Texto impreso] :a Christian and learned dialogue, contayning wonderfull and most strange newes out of heaven, purgatorie, and hell : wherein besydes Christes truth playnely set forth, ye shall also finde a numbre of pleasaunt hystories, discouering all the crafty conueyaunces of Antechrist : wherunto are added certayne Questions then put forth by Pasquine, to haue bene disputed in the Councell of Trent / turned ... out of the Italian into this tongue by W.P. ...

Curio, Caelius Secundus (1503-1569)
Seres, William - imp.

  • Place of publication Imprinted at London : by Wylliam Seres ...
  • Edition Imprinted at London : by Wylliam Seres ...
  • Type Libro
  • Subject Concilio de Trento (1545-1563) - Comentarios
  • Physical description [6], 112 h.; 4º
  • Description Traducción al inglés de la obra de Caelius Secundus Curio: "Pasquillus ecstaticus"
    Fecha de impresión tomada de la British Library y COPAC (2010/03/04)
    Colofón en verso de última h.
    Sign: A⁴, B², A - Z⁴, 2A - 2E⁴
    Texto en letra gótica, con apostillas marginales
  • Call number U/6947
  • Identifier bdh0000127106
  • UDC 21