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Registro 437 de 71.186 para a busca Tipo de documento Libro Y Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España Y tipo de materia Lavanderia "la sin rival" 

A musical dictionary :being a collection of terms and characters, as well ancient as modern, including the historical, theoretical and practical parts of music; as also, an explanation of some parts of the doctrine of the antients : interspersed with remarks on their method and practice, and curious observations on the phoenomena of sound mathematically considered, as it's relations and proportions constitute intervals, and those again concords and discords the whole carefully abstracted from the best authors in the Greek, Latin, Italian, French and English languages / by James Grassineau, Gent.

Grassineau, James (ca. 1715-1769)
Wilcox, John - editor
Brossard, Sébastien de (1655-1730) - Dictionnaire de la musique - Inglés
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778) - Dictionnaire de musique - Selección - Inglés

  • Lugar de Publicação London : printed for J. Wilcox, 1740
  • Dados de edição London : printed for J. Wilcox, 1740
  • Tipo de Documento Libro
  • Matéria Música - Diccionarios
  • Descrição física [2], XII, 347, [4] h. de lám.; 4º
  • Descrição Traducción al inglés del Dictionnaire de musique de Sébastien de Brossard, al cual menciona en la introducción, y de otras fuentes. Con adiciones del autor
    Anglés y Subirá vol. III, n. 316.
    En p. 347: "Printed by C. Jephson in West Smithfield"
    Sign.: [a]⁴, b², B - Z⁴, 2A - 2X⁴, 2Y²
  • Número de chamada M/2491
  • Identificador bdh0000121742
  • Coleções relacionadas Obras Maestras > Música