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A discouerie and batterie of the great fort of vnwritten Traditions :otherwise, An examination of the Counsell of Trent, touching the decree of Traditions, otherwise, an examination of the Counsell of Trent, touching the decree of Traditions / done by Martinus Chemnistius ; translated into Englishe by R.V. ...

Chemnitz, Martin (1522-1586)
Vaux, Robert - trad.
Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556)
Purfoot, Thomas (m.1615)
Ponsonby, William (1546?-1604)

  • Conteúdo
    2º pt. A confutation of vnwritten verities, both by the holye Scriptures and most auntient authours : and also probable arguments and pithie reasons, with plaine aunsweres to all (or at the least) to the most part and strongest argumentes, which the aduersaries of Gods truth, either haue or can bring foorth for the proofe and defence of the same vnwritten vanities, verities as they woulde haue them called / made by Thomas Cranmer ... , ...
    2º pt. A confutation of vnwritten verities, both by the holye Scriptures and most auntient authours : and also probable arguments and pithie reasons, with plaine aunsweres to all (or at the least) to the most part and strongest argumentes, which the aduersaries of Gods truth, either haue or can bring foorth for the proofe and defence of the same vnwritten vanities, verities as they woulde haue them called / made by Thomas Cranmer ... , con portada y paginación propia
  • Lugar de Publicação Imprinted at London : by Thomas Purfoot and William Pounsonbie
  • Dados de edição Imprinted at London : by Thomas Purfoot and William Pounsonbie
  • Tipo de Documento Libro
  • Matéria Iglesia Católica - Obras de controversia
  • Descrição física [12], 85 p., [1] en bl. ; [2], 79 p., [1] en bl.; 4º
  • Descrição Index Aureliensis n. 136237.
    La primera parte está traducida del latín por Robert Vaux
    Sign.: ¶⁴, A², B - Y⁴
    Viñeta xilográfica en portada
    Texto con apostillas marginales
  • Número de chamada U/2090
  • Identificador bdh0000112798