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The Americans in Panama.

Scott, William Rufus,1886-


  • Place of publication New York
  • Type Libro
  • Description El documento original esta an la Biblioteca de la Universidad de California. Este fue bajado de internet.
  • Identifier 177923
  • Summary The Panama Canal is not the monument of any one individual American, nor of any select few individual Americans. In generations to come, the canal, like the skyscrapers of our cities, will be viewed as a manifestation of the building genius of the American people, just as the Pyramids of Egypt are not remembered so much as the work of a given Rameses as a manifestation of the big building instinct of the entire race. This book is unjust to the generality of Americans who have helped to make the canal a success. Some day the government will authorize a history of the canal that will give the proper prominence to the rank and file as well as to the subordinate officials. But the treatment here undertaken, through the necessity for condensation, touches only the men who have affected the canal in the broadest way.
  • URL digital object americans in Panama1.pdf americans in Panama2.pdf americans in Panama3.pdf americans in Panama4.pdf