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Record 173 of 72,351 for the search Document Type Libro And Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España And tipo de materia Algunas plnchas de "el 5 de junio" 

A description of the country from thirty to forty miles round Manchester... [Texto impreso] / The materials arranged, and the work composed by John Aikin...

Aikin, John (1747-1822)

  • Place of publication London : John Stockdalo
  • Edition London : John Stockdalo
  • Type Libro
  • Physical description XVI p. + 4 h. + 624 p. + 49 lám. + 10 map. + 10 planos; Fol.
  • Description Frontio grab.
  • Call number 3/74484
  • Identifier bdh0000141051