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Record 1 of 13 for the search Document Type Libro And Institución Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal And tipo de materia Portugal - Reis -  

Chonica de ElRei Dom Afonso o Quarto...

Pina, Rui de, 1440?-1522?

  • Place of publication Lisboa, Biblion, 1936,
  • Edition Lisboa
  • Type Libro
  • Subject Portugal - História -
    Portugal - Reis -
  • Physical description XVI, 220, [2] p. 20 cm
  • Description Rui de Pina
  • Call number PURL 339/0
    PURL 339/1
    PURL 339/2
    PURL 339/3
    H.G. 25075 P.
    H.G. 37301 P.
  • Identifier 718922
  • UDC 929.7Afonso IV, Rei de Portugal(093.3)