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Record 87 of 27,998 for the search Institución Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal 

A chart of the China sea

Dalrymple, Alexander, 1737-1808

  • Scale Escala [ca 1:4500000]
  • Place of publication [London, s.n., ca 1780],
  • Edition [London
    ca 1780]
  • Type Material cartográfico impreso
  • Physical description 1 mapa grav., p&b 69,00x50,20 cm em folha de 76,30x55,00 cm
  • Description Dados da publicação cf. Tooley's
    Escala determinada com o valor calculado 2,45 cm para o grau de latitude
    Tooley's dictionary of mapmakers, ed. rev. 1999, p. 327
    inscribed to Mons. d'Après de Mannevillette, the ingenious author of the Neptune Oriental as a tribute due to his labours for the benefit of navigation and in acknowledgement of his many signal favours to A. Dalrymple
  • Call number PURL 4603/0
    PURL 4603/1
    PURL 4603/2
    C.C. 1369 A.
  • Identifier 269489
  • UDC 526(265.72)(084.3)