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Registro 5 de 5 para a busca tipo de materia España Comercio exterior América española S.XVIII 

The Spanish rule of trade to the West Indies containing an account of the Casa de Contratacion, or India House, its government, laws, ordinances, officers, and jurisdiction ... / written in Spanish by Joseph de Veitia Linage ... ; made English by Capt. John Stevens ; to which are added, two compleat lists: one of the Goods Transported out of Europe to the Spanish West Indies, the other of Commodities brought from those Parts in Europe

Veitia Linage, José de
Stevens, John (m. 1726) - editor literario - traductor
Crouch, Samuel - impresor

  • Lugar de Publicação London : printed for Samuel Crouch, at the Corner of Pope's-Head-Alle y in Cornhil
  • Dados de edição London : printed for Samuel Crouch, at the Corner of Pope's-Head-Alle y in Cornhil
  • Tipo de Documento Libro
  • Matéria España - Comercio exterior - América española - S.XVIII
  • Descrição física [24], 367, [9] p.; 8º
  • Descrição Sign.: A⁸, a⁴, B - Z⁸, Aa⁸, Bb⁴
    Portada enmarcada por doble filete
    Texto con apostillas marginales
  • Número de chamada R/39825
  • Identificador bdh0000255201