
Registros 3.821-3.840 de 681.681 para la búsqueda

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

3821. A Chart of the Straits of Sunda [Material cartográfico] : with Part of the North Coast of the Island of Java, as far as Batavia

Gilbert, William (s. XVIII) - 1790
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3822. A Chart of the Straits of Sunda from Point Winerow to North Island [Material cartográfico] : from Point Winerow to North Island

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - entre 1750 y 1800
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3823. A Chart of the Streights of Dryon [Material cartográfico] : Containing those Lands only that were seen on Board the Ship Bute Capt. Maitland with Views of the Principal ones as they Appeared Passing by Them, in the Year 1765

Maitland, Capt. - 1765
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3824. A Chart of Thames Mouth, from the Nore Light, to the Shoe Beacon, or Horns, and the Spaniard Buoy [Material cartográfico] : from the latest observations of the most experienced Pilots

Arnold, Stephen E. - 1783
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3825. A Chart of the West and South West Coast of Ireland [Material cartográfico] : From the Mouth of the River Shannon to Waterford Haven on the same Scale as the Chart of St. Georges Channel

Huddart, Joseph - 1795
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3826. A Chart of the West Coast of Ava [Material cartográfico]

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - entre 1757 y 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3827. A Chart of the West Coast of Newfoundland [Material cartográfico]

Cook, James (1728-1779) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3828. A Chart of the West Coast of Sumatra [Material cartográfico] : From Old Bencoolen to Buffaloe Point Containing the the Road of Bencoolen and Poolo Bay

Huddart, Joseph - entre 1787 y 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3829. A Chart of the Western Coast of Madagascar [Material cartográfico] : from St. Augustin's Bay to Cape St. Andrew

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - entre 1750 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3830. A Chart of the Western Coast of Sumatra From Touroumane to Indrapour [Material cartográfico] : whit the adjacent Islands from the Neptune Oriental with Considerable Addittions and Improvements communicated

Huddart, Joseph - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3831. A Chart of the Windward Passage betwees [sic] the Islands of Jamaica Hispaniola and Cuba with the other Passages to the Northward of Hispaniola [Material cartográfico] : From the Journals, Observations and Draughts of Mr. Chas. Roberts, Master in the Rl. Navy, Compared with the Pilote de l'Isle de St. Domingue of M. de Chastenet Puysegur 1787, & with the Description des Bouquements of M. Bellin 1768

Faden, William (1749-1836) - 1795
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3832. A Chart of the Windward Passage Including Jamaica Hispaniola and Part of Cuba [Material cartográfico]

Candler, Benjamin - 1730?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3833. A Chart of the World upon Mercator's Projection [Material cartográfico] : Describing the Tracks of Capt. Cook in the Years 176

Faden, William (1749-1836) - entre 1768 y 1775
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3834. A Chart of Zetland or Shetland [Material cartográfico]

Preston, Capt. Thomas - 1780?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3835. A Chart shewing all the Passages and Channels into the Harbour of Chussan on the Coast of China [Material cartográfico]

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3836. A Chart Showing the Favorite Resort of the Sperm and Right Whale [Material cartográfico]

Maury, Matthew Fontaine - 1853
Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

3837. A "La Chascona" le crece el pelo

Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

3838. "A Chile le hace falta imaginarse desde sus regiones"

Irarrazabal Sánchez, Elena
Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

3839. A Chile le hace falta PC legal apoya la campaña por la legalización del Partido Comunista de Chile

- 198?
Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba

3840. A Childs Christmas in Wales