
Records 1,741-1,760 of 322,511 for the search

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

1741. A fuerza de arrastrarse [Texto impreso] : farsa cómica en prosa, un prólogo y tres actos

Echegaray, José - 1917
Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia

1742. A fuerza de arrastrarse [recurso electrónico] : Sábado 2 de diciembre / Gran Compañia Cómico Dramática Española Evangelina Adams

Teatro Colón
Biblioteca Nacional de Argentina

1743. A full and correct report of the trial of sir Home Popham

- 1807
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1744. A full and impartial history of the expedition into Spain: in the year, 1702 [Texto impreso] : Extracted from the jounals and memoirs of the Generals ; and from which it will be easie to draw rational conjectures, about the present enterprize to settle the Most Serene Charles III, on the Spanish Throne. To wich is added, An Account of Monsieur Chateaurenault's expedition, from his first sailing from Brest, in Sept. 1701, to his putting into Vigo, in Sept. 1702. In a letter from Monsieur de Gatines, Intendant of the Navy of France, to a Minister of State at Paris...

- 1704
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1745. A full Christ for empty sinners [Texto impreso]

Romaine, William - entre 1840 y 1849?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1746. A full view of Papery, in a satyrical account of the lives of the papes, &c. [Texto impreso] : from the pretended sucession of St. Peter, to the present Pape Clement XI... : to this is added a confutation of the Mass, and a vindication of refor'm devotion...

- 1704
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1747. A full view of the public transactions in the Reign of Q. Elisabeth ; or, a particular account of all the memorable affairs of that Queen... [Texto impreso]

Forbes, Patrick - 1740
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1748. A full, ample and puctual discouery of the barbarous, bloudy, and inhumane practises of the spanish Inquisition, against protestants ... [Texto impreso]

González de Montes, R. - 1625
Biblioteca Nacional de Brasil

1749. A Funenseg e sua história

Freitas, Evaldo de Souza - 1996
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

1750. Á fustissima acclamação d'augustissima D. Maria I, Rainha de Portugal...

Matos João Xavier de 1730-1789 - 1777
Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

1751. El A G C de la Mandrágora

Arenas, Braulio, - 1957.
Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

1752. A Gabriela Mistral

Medina, Orlando
Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

1753. A Gabriela Mistral

Bustamante, Ana
Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

1754. A Gabriela Mistral

Roa Villagra, Augusto César,
Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

1755. A Gabriela Mistral

Meza Sepúlveda, Juan
Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

1756. A Gabriela recuerda Academia de la Lengua

Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

1757. A galopar en La Frontera

Garib, Walter,
Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

1758. A galope tendido

Passalacqua C., Italo
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1759. A galope tendido [Texto impreso] : juguete cómico en un acto, en prosa

Díaz de la Quintana, Alberto - 1906
Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

1760. A lo "gallo" sacan risas "Los Eguiguren"

Passalacqua C., Italo