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Tipo de documento Material cartográfico impreso Y Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España Y tipo de materia Sumatra (Indonesia) - Cartas náuticas 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

1. A Chart of part of Islands of Sumatra and Java [Material cartográfico] : with those of Banka, Billiton, &c. Likewise the Straits of Banka, Inclunding the Rocks, Sands, Soundings &c. fron one Degree fifty Minutes, to six Degrees ten Minutes of South Latitude

Mount & Page (Londres) - entre 1750 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2. A Chart of the South Part of Sumatra and of the Straits of Sunda and Banca with Gaspar Straits [Material cartográfico] : Corrected and Improved from the Observations of Capt. Josh. Huddart, Capt. John Hall and Capt. Henry Smedley

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3. A Chart of the West Coast of Sumatra [Material cartográfico] : From Old Bencoolen to Buffaloe Point Containing the the Road of Bencoolen and Poolo Bay

Huddart, Joseph - entre 1787 y 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

4. A Chart of the Western Coast of Sumatra From Touroumane to Indrapour [Material cartográfico] : whit the adjacent Islands from the Neptune Oriental with Considerable Addittions and Improvements communicated

Huddart, Joseph - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5. A New Chart of the West Coast of Sumatra, from the Equinoctial Line, to the Straits of Sunda [Material cartográfico]

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

6. Carta del Estrecho de Malaca y de la Costa Occidental de Sumatra según los trabajos más modernos H. 498 [Material cartográfico]

Gangoiti, Juan de (1816-1878) - 1867
Biblioteca Nacional de España

7. Carte des Iles Sumatra, Java et Bornéo et des mers environnantes H. 3031 [Material cartográfico]

Naudin - 1874
Biblioteca Nacional de España

8. Chart of the Coast of Sumatra [Material cartográfico] : From Acheen to Diamond Point

Baker, George. Capt. - entre 1763 y 1786
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9. Chart of Part of the West Coast of Sumatra [Material cartográfico] : Surveyd by order of the Governor and Council of Fort Marlbró

Macdonald, John Capitán - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10. Chart of the West Coast of Sumatra [Material cartográfico] : From Bencoolen to Key sers Bay

Huddart, Joseph - entre 1786 y 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11. [Chart of the West Coast of Sumatra [Material cartográfico] : from Passamane to Bay Lampoon's]

- entre 1750 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

12. [Part of the West Coast of Sumatra] [Material cartográfico]

- entre 1750 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

13. Plan of Pº Chenco with the adjacent Bays on the West Coast of Sumatra [Material cartográfico]

Macdonald, John Capitán - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

14. Several Apperances of Hogs Island [Material cartográfico] : on the Western Coast of Sumatra

Sayer, Robert (1725-1794) - entre 1750 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

15. Sketch of the Passage between Pº Banjac and the West Coast of Sumatra [Material cartográfico] : From an English MS. communicated by Capt. Edwd. Cumming

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1784