
Registros 5.301-5.320 de 21.932 para a busca

Tipo de documento Material cartográfico impreso 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

5301. Chart of Cancao and Part of the Coast of Cambodia [Material cartográfico] : From a Portuguese MS.

Harrison, William (grabador) - 1792
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5302. Chart of the Chagos Archipielago [Material cartográfico]

Blair, Archibald. Lieut. - entre 1786 y 1787
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5303. Chart of the Channel thre the Andaman [Material cartográfico] : Passed by Capt. Cleugh in Ship Adm. Pocock December 1774

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5304. Chart of the Channel within the Island Cheduba [Material cartográfico]

Harmer, Thomas - 1782
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5305. Chart of Clements Strait to the West of Billiton [Material cartográfico] With the Track of the Fleet of Indiamen under the command of Capt. John Clements 1781

Robertson, George (hidrógrafo) - entre 1781 y 1786
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5306. Chart of the Coast from Cape Arubah to the Entrance of the Gulph of Persia [Material cartográfico]

Robinson, Capt. William - entre 1774 y 1781
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5307. Chart of the Coast of Aracan and Ava from a Chart of the Bay of Bengal [Material cartográfico]

Parsons, Philip - entre 1743 y 1785
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5308. Chart of the Coast of Arracan [Material cartográfico]

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - entre 1759 y 1785
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5309. Chart of the Coast of Arrackan [Material cartográfico]

Peirce, Richard - entre 1759 y 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5310. Chart of the Coast of Bengal From Putnay to Ramnabad [Material cartográfico]

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1785
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5311. Chart of the Coast of China adjacent to Honghai Island [Material cartográfico] : from Observations in the Schooner Cuddalore 1759

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - entre 1759 y 1785
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5312. Chart of the Coast of China and of the Japan Islands including the Marianes and a part of the Philippines [Material cartográfico]

Perry, Matthew Calbraith (1794-1858) - 1855
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5313. Chart of the Coast of Chittagong [Material cartográfico] : From an English MS received from Governor Verelst

Ranson, Jon - entre 1739 y 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5314. Chart of the Coast of Chittigong [Material cartográfico]

Ritchie, Capt. John - 1785
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5315. Chart of the Coast of Coremandell From Fort St. George to Visiagapatam [Material cartográfico] : Published by John Thornton 1703 : From a MS. by A. Sibbald

Ritchie, Capt. John - entre 1703 y 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5316. Chart of the Coast of Guzarat [Material cartográfico]

Swithin - entre 1760 y 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5317. Chart of the Coast of India [Material cartográfico] : From Arnol Island to Nunsaree River

Ringrose, John - 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

5318. Chart of the coast of Italy from Campiglia Tower to Santa Marinella

Smyth William Henry 1788-? - 1826
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

5319. Chart of the coast of Italy from Menton to the Gulf of Fullonica

Smyth William Henry 1788-? - 1826
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5320. Chart of the Coast of Madura [Material cartográfico] : From a Dutch MS.

Harrison, William (grabador) - 1785