
Registros 221-240 de 12.763 para la búsqueda

tipo de materia Asociación Cultural Biblioteca Popular "Anatole France" (Buenos Aires) 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

221. A treatise on the winning and working of collieries [Texto impreso] : including numerous statistics regarding ventilation and the prevention of accidents in mines, and illustrated with explanatory engravings and collieny plans

Dunn, Matthias - 1852
Biblioteca Nacional de España

222. A Treatise upon the Authenticity of the Scriptures, and the truth of the Christian religion [Texto impreso]

Bryant, Jacob - 1810
Biblioteca Nacional de España

223. A trip to Mexico or recollections of a ten months' ramble in 1849 50 [Texto impreso]

Forbes, Alexander Clark - 1851
Biblioteca Nacional de España

224. A true and genuine history of the two last wars againse France and Spain... [Texto impreso]

Defoe, Daniel - 1741
Biblioteca Nacional de España

225. A la vera del mar [Texto impreso] : novela

Chirveches, Armando - 1926
Biblioteca Nacional de España

226. A view of the french campaign in Russia, in the year 1812, collected from the official and other documents of both nations [Texto impreso] : containing the movements of both armies, and all the battles fought, from the time of the entrance of the franch into the russian territories at Kowno, ... to their retreat from Moscow, and the subsequent disasters...

- 1813
Biblioteca Nacional de España

227. A view of the present condition of the slave population in the island of Puerto Rico, under the Spanish government [Texto impreso] : showing the impolicy and danger of prematurely emancipating the West India slaves ...

Dawson Flinter, George - 1832
Biblioteca Nacional de España

228. A voice from Lebanon [Texto impreso] : with the life and travels of Assaad Y. Kayat

Kayat, Assaad Y. - 1847
Biblioteca Nacional de España

229. A voyage to and from the island of Borneo in the East Indies [Texto impreso] : With a description of the said island ; giving an account of the inhabitants, their mauners, customs, religion, product, chief ports and trade. Together with the re establishment of the English trade there, an. 1714... Also a description of the islands of Canary, Cap Verd, Java, Nachuza (sic) ; of the Streights of Bally, the Cape of Good Hope, the Hottentots, the island of St. Helena, Ascension, & c...

Beeckman, Daniel - 1718
Biblioteca Nacional de España

230. A voyage to Peru [Texto impreso] : Performed by the Court of St. Malo in the years 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748 ad 1749

Chaplain - 1753
Biblioteca Nacional de España

231. A voyage up the river Amazon, including a residence at Pará

Edwards, William H. - 1847
Biblioteca Nacional de España

232. A Warning against the idolatrie of the last times and An instruction touching religious or diuine worship [Texto impreso]

Perkins, William - 1612
Biblioteca Nacional de España

233. A 54 contra Hitler [Texto impreso] : Un episodio desconocido de la guerra, revelado por primera vez por documentos oficiales del segundo Bureau checoslovaco

Cheysens, Roger - 1966?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

234. El abandono de la tierra en España [Texto impreso] : la población y el grande y pequeño riego

Elías de Molins, José - 1927
Biblioteca Nacional de España

235. El Abate Julio [Texto impreso]

Mirbeau, Octave - ?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

236. Ana Battori

Elola, José de - 1923
Biblioteca Nacional de España

237. Abayubá [Texto impreso] : novela histórica, escrita con motivo de la fundación del pueblo y puente de este nombre en el Departamento de Montevideo, República Oriental del Uruguay, el 5 de octubre de 1873

Escardó, Florencio - 1873
Biblioteca Nacional de España

238. Abbregé de la nouvelle methode, dans l'art d'ecrire ou de traçer toutes sortes de danses de ville

Rameau, Pierre - 1725
Biblioteca Nacional de España

239. ABC du piano [Música notada] : méthode pour les commençants

Le Couppey, Félix - 1869?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

240. ABC musical ou Solfège [Música notada]

Panseron, Auguste-Mathieu - 1857