
Records 1,701-1,720 of 242,664 for the search

Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

1701. A foliada [Música notada]

Castro, José - 1892

1702. A fonte dos amores : cançao : do filme "La fontaine des amours"

Styne, Jule - 1950?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1703. A fosco cielo

Bellini, Vincenzo - 1831?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1704. A franc étrier [Música notada] : galop pour piano

Henrion, Paul - 1876
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1705. A Freatise of Algebra in two Books [Texto impreso]

Emerson, William - 1808
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1706. A free inquiry into the miraculous powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the christian Church from the earliest ages ... [Texto impreso] : to which is addad, a letter from Rome, shewing an exact conformity between Popery and paganism, or the religion of the present romans, derived from that of their heathen ancestors

Middleton, Conyers - 1825
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1707. A French and English dictionary [Texto impreso]

Cotgrave, Randle - 1660
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1708. A fuego lento [Texto impreso]

Bobadilla, Emilio - 1903
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1709. A fuera quede amarilis

- entre 1601 y 1700?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1710. A fuerza de arrastrarse [Texto impreso] : farsa cómica en prosa, un prólogo y tres actos

Echegaray, José - 1917
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1711. A fugarse tocan [Manuscrito] : juguete cómico en un acto y en prosa. Emp.: Para mi gusto, la salsa (h. 2)... Fin.: merecer tu aprobación (h. 35)

Cocat, Luis - entre 1851 y 1900?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1712. A full and impartial history of the expedition into Spain: in the year, 1702 [Texto impreso] : Extracted from the jounals and memoirs of the Generals ; and from which it will be easie to draw rational conjectures, about the present enterprize to settle the Most Serene Charles III, on the Spanish Throne. To wich is added, An Account of Monsieur Chateaurenault's expedition, from his first sailing from Brest, in Sept. 1701, to his putting into Vigo, in Sept. 1702. In a letter from Monsieur de Gatines, Intendant of the Navy of France, to a Minister of State at Paris...

- 1704
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1713. A full Christ for empty sinners [Texto impreso]

Romaine, William - entre 1840 y 1849?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1714. A full view of Papery, in a satyrical account of the lives of the papes, &c. [Texto impreso] : from the pretended sucession of St. Peter, to the present Pape Clement XI... : to this is added a confutation of the Mass, and a vindication of refor'm devotion...

- 1704
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1715. A full view of the public transactions in the Reign of Q. Elisabeth ; or, a particular account of all the memorable affairs of that Queen... [Texto impreso]

Forbes, Patrick - 1740
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1716. A full, ample and puctual discouery of the barbarous, bloudy, and inhumane practises of the spanish Inquisition, against protestants ... [Texto impreso]

González de Montes, R. - 1625
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1717. A Galatea [Manuscrito] : [endecha]: Mientras de Galatea / oh incauto pajarillo

Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de - entre 1701 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1718. A galope tendido [Texto impreso] : juguete cómico en un acto, en prosa

Díaz de la Quintana, Alberto - 1906
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1719. A general Chart Exhibiting the Discoveries made by Captn. James Cook in this and his two preceeding Voyages. [Material cartográfico] : with the Track of the ships under his Command

Roberts, Henry - entre 1619 y 1804
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1720. A General Chart of the East Coast of Scotland [Material cartográfico] : from Duncansby Head to the Staples

Downie, Murdo - 1792