
Registros 11.501-11.520 de 12.763 para la búsqueda

tipo de materia Asociación Cultural Biblioteca Popular "Anatole France" (Buenos Aires) 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

11501. Spanish rule in Cuba [Texto impreso] : laws governing the island : review published by the Colonial Office in Madrid, with data and statistics compiled from official records ; authorized translation, with additional notes

Cuba - 1896
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11502. Spanish salt : a collection of all the proverbs which are to the found in Don Quixote

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de - 1877
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11503. The Spanish story of the Armada and other essays [Texto impreso]

Froude, James Anthony - 1892
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11504. The Spanish West Indies

Torre, José María de la - 1858
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11505. The spanish american War. Blockades and coast defense [Texto impreso]

Gómez Núñez, Severo - 1899
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11506. Spanska noveller i svensk tolkning

Hillman, Adolf - 1896
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11507. Speaking lies in hypocrisy, or the art of making proselytes in a protestant country [Texto impreso] : the substance of a lecture upon "A papist misrepresented & represented"

Minton, Samuel - 1851
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11508. Specchio spirituale, del principio e fine della vita humana : diviso, e distinto in quindeci ragionamenti, e in cento cinquanta dubbii principali, con altri di nuovo aggionti dall'istesso autore, e sue resolutione

Elli, Angelo - 1683
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11509. Specimens of the types commonly used in Moye's Printing Office [Texto impreso]

Moyes, James - 1834
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11510. Spectacles et comédiens a Valencia (1580 1630) : thèse complémentaire présentée a la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Paris

Mérimée, Henri - 1913
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11511. Speech delivered [Texto impreso]

Azaña, Manuel - 1938
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11512. Spill ó Libre de les dones [Texto impreso]

Roig, Jaume - 1905
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11513. The Spiritual Quixote or The summer's ramble of Mr. Geoffry Wildgoose [Texto impreso] : a comic romance

Wildgoose, Geoffrey - 1774
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11514. The spiritual venality of Rome [Texto impreso] : taxe sacre penitentiarie apostolice, preceded by a historical and critical account of the taxae cancellariae apostolicae and taxae sacrae poenitentiariae apostolicae of the United Church and Court of moderne Rome

Mendham, Joseph - 1836
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11515. The spy : a tale of the neutral ground

Cooper, James Fenimore - 1842
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11516. The Squadron of Admiral Cervera [Texto impreso]

Concas y Palau, Víctor - 1900
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11517. San Sebastián : (diario de un veraneante)

El Caballero Audaz - 1918
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11518. St. Patrick's purgatory [Texto impreso] : an essays on the legends of Purgatory, Hell, and Paradise, current during the Middle Ages

Wright, Thomas - 1844
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11519. Stances à la mer [Música notada] : mélodie

Rothschild, Willy de - 1876
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11520. The stars and stripes forever [Música notada] : marche américaine

Sousa, John Philip - 1897