
Registros 201-220 de 8.041 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Libro Y tipo de materia Compañía Naviera "Grace Line Company" (Valparaíso, Chile) 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

201. A ses jeunes amis

Reboux, Paul - 1934
Biblioteca Nacional de España

202. A short account of the ancient history, present government and laws of the Republic of Geneva... [Texto impreso]

Keate, George - 1761
Biblioteca Nacional de España

203. A short historical narrative of the rise and rapid advancement of the Mahrattah State [Texto impreso]

- 1782
Biblioteca Nacional de España

204. A short History of Barbados from its first discovery and settlement, to the end of the year 1767 [Texto impreso]

Frere, George - 1768
Biblioteca Nacional de España

205. A short history of Valentinus Gentilis the Tritheist [Texto impreso] : tryed, condemned and put to death by the Protestant Reformed city and Church of Bern in Switzerland, for asserting the Three Divine Persons of the Trinity, to be ...

Aretius, Benedictus - 1696
Biblioteca Nacional de España

206. A short Treatise of the Last Judgment [Texto impreso]

Salgado, Jacobo - 1684
Biblioteca Nacional de España

207. A Sketch of the case and sufferings [Texto impreso]

Kirke, Robert - 1781
Biblioteca Nacional de España

208. A soul on fire [Texto impreso]

Marryat, Florence - ?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

209. A statement of facts illustrating the administration of the abolition law, and the sufferings of the negro apprentices in the island of Jamaica [Texto impreso]

- 1837
Biblioteca Nacional de España

210. A summary of the history, doctrine, and discipline of the Society of Friends [Texto impreso] : written at the desire of the meeting for sufferings in London, and first published in the year 1790

- 1839
Biblioteca Nacional de España

211. A suplementary report on the results of a spiecal inquiry into the practice of interment in towns made at the resques of her Majesty's principal secretary of state for the home department [Texto impreso]

Chadwick, Edwin - 1843
Biblioteca Nacional de España

212. A supplicacyon for the beggers [Texto impreso]

- 1845
Biblioteca Nacional de España

213. A system of mineralogy : comprising the most recent discoveries : with numerous wood cuts and four copper plates

Dana, James Dwight - 1844
Biblioteca Nacional de España

214. A system of natural philosophy : in which the principles of mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics ... are familiarly explained ... to which are added questions for the examination of pupils

Comstock, John Lee - 1845
Biblioteca Nacional de España

215. A Tale of Paraguay [Texto impreso]

Southey, Robert - 1825
Biblioteca Nacional de España

216. A testimony concerning Stephen Grellet of Burlington (U.S.) desceased [Texto impreso]

- 1856
Biblioteca Nacional de España

217. A testimony for God's everlasting Truth, as it hath been learned of and in Jesus [Texto impreso] : testifying against such as through unbelief have departed from, or been disobedient to the Spirit that convinces the World of Sin ... which is the Truth which the People called Quakers have and do testifie to and of

Travers, Rebecca - 1669
Biblioteca Nacional de España

218. A tongue combat [Texto impreso] : lately happening betweene two English souldiers in the Tiltboat of Grauesend, the one going to serve the King of Spaine, the other to serue the States Generall of the Vnited Provinces : wherein the cause, course and continuance of those warres, is debated, and declared

Scott, Thomas - 1623
Biblioteca Nacional de España

219. A tour from London to Petersburgh, from thence to Moscow, and return... by... Courland, Poland, Germany and Holland [Texto impreso]

Richard, John - 1780
Biblioteca Nacional de España

220. A tour in England and Scotland in 1785 [Texto impreso]

Thomson, William - 1788