
Registros 11.481-11.500 de 12.763 para la búsqueda

tipo de materia Asociación Cultural Biblioteca Popular "Anatole France" (Buenos Aires) 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

11481. Souvenirs d'un musicien [Texto impreso]

Adam, Adolphe - 1868
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11482. Souvenirs et portraits [Texto impreso] : études sur les beaux arts

Halévy, Fromental - 1861
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11483. Souvenirs sur Richard Wagner [Texto impreso]

Neumann, Angelo - 1908
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11484. Souvenirs, impressions, pensées et paysages pendant un voyage en Orient, 1832 1833, ou Notes d'un voyageur [Texto impreso]

Lamartine, Alphonse de - 1845
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11485. Sovietismo monárquico [Texto impreso]

- 1923
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11486. Soñar [Texto impreso]

Olivera Lavié, Héctor - 1922
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11487. Spain

Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Londres) - 1848
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11488. Spain : pertinent facts briefly sketched

Marcial Dorado, Carolina - 1927
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11489. Spain and its people : [Texto impreso] a record of recent travel

Poitou, Eugène - 1873
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11490. Spain and the Spaniards [Texto impreso]

De Amicis, Edmondo - 1885
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11491. Spain in the nineteenth century [Texto impreso]

Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley - 1898
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11492. Spain, Cuba and the United States [Texto impreso] : recognition and the Monroe doctrine

Americus - 1870
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11493. The Spaniards and their country

Ford, Richard - 1852
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11494. The spanih Origin of international Law [Texto impreso]

Scott, James Brown - 1934
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11495. Spanish bibliography

Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James - 1925
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11496. The Spanish decameron : or, Ten novels : viz. The rival ladies ; The mistakes ; The generous lover ; The libertine ; The virgin captive ; The perfidious mistress ; The metamorphos'd lover ; The imposture out witted ; The amorous miser ; The pretended alchymist

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547-1616) - 1687
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11497. The spanish ladie and other stories

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de - 1900
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11498. Spanish literature : a primer

Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James - 1922
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11499. The Spanish pioneers and the California missions

Lummis, Charles F. - 1929
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11500. Spanish public land laws (English translation) in the Philippine Islands and their history to August 13, 1898 [Texto impreso]

Filipinas (Capitanía General) - 1901