
Registros 181-200 de 12.763 para la búsqueda

tipo de materia Asociación Cultural Biblioteca Popular "Anatole France" (Buenos Aires) 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

181. A prophetic map of the world [Texto impreso] : intended to exhibit its general condition at the end of the age : also, some extracts on the same subject, from "Thoughts on the Apocalypse"

Newton, Benjamin Wills - 1846
Biblioteca Nacional de España

182. A propósito de los proyectos sobre moralidad [Texto impreso] : (palabras pronunciadas en la asamblea verificada por la Federación Abolicionista en la Sociedad Científica Argentina el día 24 de Abril de 1919)

Luisi, Paulina - 1919
Biblioteca Nacional de España

183. A questao religiosa [Texto impreso]

Sampaio Bruno - 1907
Biblioteca Nacional de España

184. A reformed catholike, or a declaration shewing how neere we may come to the prefent Church of Rome in fundry points of religion ... [Texto impreso]

Perkins, William - 1612
Biblioteca Nacional de España

185. A relation of the fearful estate of Francis Spira, after he turned Apostate from the Protestant faith to Popery [Texto impreso] : together with The miserable and woful death of Mr. John Child ... : also of Mr. George Edwards ... who wilfully shot himself, Jan. 4, 1703

- 1793
Biblioteca Nacional de España

186. A residence at Gibraltar and a visit to the Peninsula in the summer and autumn of 1841

Robertson, William - 1844
Biblioteca Nacional de España

187. A review of "The African slave trade" by Thomas Fowell Buxton, Esq. [Texto impreso]

- 1839
Biblioteca Nacional de España

188. A review of the causes and consequences of the Mexican War [Texto impreso]

Jay, William - 1849
Biblioteca Nacional de España

189. A riqueza e a Felicidade [Texto impreso]

Coste, Adolphe - 1909
Biblioteca Nacional de España

190. A second catalogue of manuscripts in different languages on theology ... of various dates, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century ... : now selling ... by John Cochran

- 1837
Biblioteca Nacional de España

191. A sentimental journey through France and Italy [Texto impreso]

Sterne, Laurence - 1817
Biblioteca Nacional de España

192. A sentimental journey through France and Italy [Texto impreso]

Sterne, Laurence - 1831
Biblioteca Nacional de España

193. A sentimental journey through France and Italy [Texto impreso]

Sterne, Laurence - 1823
Biblioteca Nacional de España

194. A short account of the ancient history, present government and laws of the Republic of Geneva... [Texto impreso]

Keate, George - 1761
Biblioteca Nacional de España

195. A short history of Valentinus Gentilis the Tritheist [Texto impreso] : tryed, condemned and put to death by the Protestant Reformed city and Church of Bern in Switzerland, for asserting the Three Divine Persons of the Trinity, to be ...

Aretius, Benedictus - 1696
Biblioteca Nacional de España

196. A short Treatise of the Last Judgment [Texto impreso]

Salgado, Jacobo - 1684
Biblioteca Nacional de España

197. A Sociedade Propagadora das Bellas Artes e o Lyceo de Artes e Officios de Rio de Janeiro [Texto impreso]

- 1896
Biblioteca Nacional de España

198. A la sombra de la higuera [Texto impreso] : (cuentos valencianos)

Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente - entre 1890 y 1910?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

199. A soul on fire [Texto impreso]

Marryat, Florence - ?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

200. A suplementary report on the results of a spiecal inquiry into the practice of interment in towns made at the resques of her Majesty's principal secretary of state for the home department [Texto impreso]

Chadwick, Edwin - 1843