
Registros 1-8 de 8 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Material cartográfico impreso Y tipo de materia Sri Lanka - Cartas náuticas 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

1. A Chart of the Eastermost Part of the East Indies from the Island Zeolan to Amoy in China [Material cartográfico] : the Island Zeolan to Amoy in China with the adjacent Island : Adjusted according to the most accurate Astonomical

Dunn, Samuel (m. 1794) - entre 1750 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2. A Correct Map and Chart of the Peninsula of India done from the Plans & Journals deposited in the Marine Office for the Use of the French King's Ships [Material cartográfico] : by Order of the Duke de Praslin Superintendant of the Marine in 1766

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (1703-1772) - 1766
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3. A New Chart of the Oriental Seas and Islands with the Coasts of the Continent from the Isles of Ceylon to Amoye in China [Material cartográfico] : Laid down from the Draughts & Journals of the British Navigators, and from the Dutch Manuscript Chart of the Moluccas or Spice Islands the whole compared with the last Edition of the Neptune Oriental of Monsr. D'apres de Mannevillett

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

4. [Carta de la costa SE. de India y N. de Ceilán] [Material cartográfico]

- entre 1750 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5. [Chart of the Peninsula of India and Zeloan] [Material cartográfico]

- entre 1750 y 1800
Biblioteca Nacional de España

6. The Coast of India from Mount Dilly to Pondicherry, including The Coast of Malabar, Madura and Part of Coromandel [Material cartográfico]

Lewis, George - entre 1782 y 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

7. [The East Coast of Ceylon] [Material cartográfico]

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1789
Biblioteca Nacional de España

8. Plan of the West Coast of Ceyloan [Material cartográfico] : From Manaar to Calpentyn : Taken from a Dutch MS.

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1782