
Registros 11.721-11.740 de 11.805 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Libro Y tipo de materia Asociación Cultural Biblioteca Popular "Anatole France" (Buenos Aires) 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

11721. Werther y Don Juan [Texto impreso] : conferencia inédita de José Ingenieros

Ingenieros, José - 1917
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11722. The west coast of sonth America [Texto impreso] : comprising Magellan Strait, Tierra del Fuego, and the outlying Islands

Ray, R. C. - 1890
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11723. The west indies and the Spanish main [Texto impreso]

Trollope, Anthony - 1860
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11724. Western Barbary [Texto impreso] : its wild tribes and savage animals

Hay, John Drummond - 1844
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11725. The whole truth on the Spanish marriages [Texto impreso]

- 1847
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11726. Wild life in Florida, with a visit to Cuba [Texto impreso]

Townshend, Frederick Trench - 1875
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11727. Wilhelm Heinse [Texto impreso] : La vie et son oenvre jusqu'en 1787 Thèse pour le Doctorat ès Lettres...

Jolivet, Alfred - 1922
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11728. William Penn and Thomas R. Macaulay [Texto impreso] : being brief observations on the charges made in Mr. Macaulay's history of England, agaist the character of William Penn

Forster, W. E. - 1849
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11729. William Penn's Journal of his travels in Holland and Germany, in 1677, in the service of the Gospel, containing several letters and addresses written while there to persons of eminence and quality [Texto impreso]

Penn, William - 1835
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11730. The witnesses in Sackcloth or a descriptive account of the attack made upon the reformed churches of France in the seventeenth century [Texto impreso] : with a bibliographical and literary appendix including notices of the subsequent history of the French p4305otestants

- 1852
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11731. Woodstock [Texto impreso]

Scott, Walter - 1839
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11732. The works of Christina Queen of Sweden [Texto impreso] : Containing maxims and sentences in twelve centuries ; and reflections on the life and actions of Alexander the Great Now first translated from the original French

Cristina - 1753
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11733. The works of Francis Bacon [Texto impreso]

Bacon, Francis - 1826
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11734. The works of Garcilasso de la Vega, surnamed The Prince of Castilian Poets [Texto impreso]

Garcilaso de la Vega - 1823
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11735. Xaimaca

Güiraldes, Ricardo - 1923
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11736. Xavier Monsalvatge assaig per a una biografia sentimental [Texto impreso]

Rahola, Carles - 1934
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11737. XXIV capítulos en vindicación de Méjico [Texto impreso]

Ceballos y del Conde, Ramón de - 1856
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11738. Y pocas nueces

Delgado, Sinesio - 1894
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11739. Yerma : poema trágico en 3 actos, dividido en 2 cuadros cada uno, en prosa y verso

García Lorca, Federico - 1937
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11740. Zaide, Histoire espagnole [Texto impreso]

La Fayette, Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne - 1700