
Registros 701-720 de 11.658 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Material cartográfico impreso Y Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

701. An Accurate Map of the North Riding of York Shire, Divided into its Wapontakes [Material cartográfico] : Drawn from Survey with various additional Improvements : Illustrated wiht Historical Extracts relating to its Natural produce, Mines, Minerals, Manufactures, Trade & present State of the City of York and its principal Towns

Bowen, Emanuel (m. 1676) - entre 1750 y 1775?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

702. An Accurate Map of North Wales [Material cartográfico] : Divided into its Counties...

Wilkinson, Robert (m. ca. 1825) - entre 1775 y 1795?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

703. An Accurate Map of Nottingham Shire [Material cartográfico] : Describing its Wapontakes and Divisions Drawn from the best Authorities assisted by the most approved Modern Maps...

Bowen, Emanuel (m. 1676) - 1775?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

704. An Accurate Map of Radnor Shire [Material cartográfico] : Drawn from an Actual Survey with various Improvements, Ilustrated with Historical Extracts...

Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784) - entre 1775 y 1795?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

705. An Accurate Map of Shrop Shire Divided into its Hundreds [Material cartográfico] : Drawn and Compiled from the most approved Maps & Surveys & Illustrated with various additional Improvements Also Historical Extracts relative to Trade, Manufactures, Natural History &c. not Extant in any other Map of this County

Bowen, Emanuel (m. 1676) - entre 1775 y 1795?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

706. An Accurate Map of South America [Material cartográfico] : Drawn from the best Authorities

- entre 1750 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

707. An Accurate Map of South America from the Best Authorities [Material cartográfico]

Bowen, Thomas - entre 1749 y 1790?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

708. An accurate Map of South America [Material cartográfico] : from the best Modern Maps and Charts

Bowen, Thomas - entre 1775 y 1790?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

709. An Accurate Map of the United States of America, with Part of the Surrounding Provinces agreeable to the Treaty of Peace of 1783 [Material cartográfico]

Cary, John (1755-1835) - 1783
Biblioteca Nacional de España

710. An Accurate Map of the West Riding of York Shire, Divided into its Wapontakes [Material cartográfico] : Drawn from Surveys, with various additional Improvements : Illustrated with Historical Extracts relative to its Natural Produce, Mines, Minerals, Manufactures, Trade and the present state of its Principal Towns

Bowen, Emanuel (m. 1676) - entre 1775 y 1795?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

711. An accurate Mercator chart of the Bay of Biscay [Material cartográfico] : with the soundings taken in the Years 1756 & 1757 By Order of the Minister of Marine in France on Board H.M.C. Majesty's Frigate the Anemone

Magin, M. - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

712. Accurate situations carte von einem Theile des Churfürstenthums Sachsen und hauptlich von den Gegenden 4 bis 5 meilen... um... Dresden, J.D. Schleuen fecit [Material cartográfico]

- 1762
Biblioteca Nacional de España

713. An Accurate Survey of the Categatte, with the Passage into the Sound [Material cartográfico]

- entre 1750 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

714. Accurate Vorstellung der Berühmten Meers Enge bey Gibraltar mit denen Herumliegenden See Haefen und Vestungen so wohl in Prospecten als Grundrissen [Material cartográfico]

Homann, Johann Baptist (1663-1724) - 1730?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

715. Accurater Grundris der Königl. Spanischen Haupt und Residenz stadt Madrit mit denen Prospecten des königl schlosses und andern Lust Gebaeuen [Material cartográfico]

Homann, Johann Baptist (1663-1724) - 1735
Biblioteca Nacional de España

716. Accuratissima Principatus Cataloniae et Comitatuum Ruscinonis et Cerretaniae descriptio [Material cartográfico]

Allard, Carel (1648-ca. 1706) - 1697?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

717. Accuratissima Totius Regni Hispaniae Portugalliae [Material cartográfico] : Tabula et Typus Novissimus

Wit, Frederick de (1630-1706) - Entre: 1680 y 1689.
Biblioteca Nacional de España

718. Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula Nautica [Material cartográfico]

Halley, Edmond (1656-1742) - 1744
Biblioteca Nacional de España

719. Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula Nautica [Material cartográfico]

Halley, Edmond (1656-1742) - 1756
Biblioteca Nacional de España

720. Across the American Continent Via the Great Rock Island Route from Australia, China and Japan to Europe : Great Oriental Highway of Europe

Rand McNally and Company - 1874