
Registros 281-300 de 60.623 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Libro Y tipo de materia Medalha "Imperador Dom Pedro II" - Fotografia - Fotografias 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

281. A letter to the Minister of Silver Street Chapel Taunton, in reply to his recent lecture against the Pre Millennial advent of the Lord [Texto impreso]

Newton, Benjamin Wills - ?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

282. A letter to Mr. T. H. late Minister now fugitiue [Texto impreso]

Hoby, Edward - 1609
Biblioteca Nacional de España

283. A letter to protestants converted from romanism [Texto impreso]

Blanco White, José María - 1827
Biblioteca Nacional de España

284. A Letter to the Reverend Dr. Percy, concerning a new edition of Historia del valeroso caballero Don Don Quixote de la Mancha To be illustrated by Annotations ; and Extracts from the Historians, Poets, and Roman of Spain and Italy, and others Writers Ancient and Modern ; with a Glossary, and Inderes. In which are occasionaly intersome Reflections ont the Learning and Genius of the Author. With a Map of Spain, adapted to the History and to overy Translation: of it [Texto impreso]

Bowle, John - 1777
Biblioteca Nacional de España

285. A los gloriosos triumphos del Rey ... Phelipe Quinto (que Dios guarde) con la ocasion de sus felizes progressos, le desean la quietud de la Corte, estos metricos, rendidos aplausos [Texto impreso]

Bolea y Alvarado, Juan de - 1701
Biblioteca Nacional de España

286. A los héroes del Callao el 2 de mayo de 1866 ¡honor y gloria! [Texto impreso]

- 1867
Biblioteca Nacional de España

287. A los héroes del Callao el 2 de Mayo de 1866 ¡honor y gloria!, dedican este recuerdo varios españoles residentes en la República Argentina [Texto impreso]

- 1866
Biblioteca Nacional de España

288. A los héroes del Callao [Texto impreso] : el 2 de mayo de 1866, ¡honor y gloria! : dedican este recuerdo varios españoles residentes en la República del Plata

- 1867
Biblioteca Nacional de España

289. A las Hijas de María : instrucciones para servirles de regla de conducta en el mundo

Hijas de María - 1886
Biblioteca Nacional de España

290. A light shining out of darkness, or occasional queries submitted to the Judgment of such as would enquire into the true state of things in our times ... [Texto impreso] : with a brief apology for the Quakers, that they are not inconsistent with magistracy

Stubbe, Henry - 1699
Biblioteca Nacional de España

291. A light to the art y Gunnery, or sea Gunnerts Companion. Wherein is laid down the Truc Weight of Powder Both for Proof and Action of all sorts, of Great Ordenance: also the True Ball, and Allowance for Wind. With. the most necessary Conclusions for the Practice of Gunnery, Either in Sea or Land Service [Texto impreso]

Binning, Thomas - 1744
Biblioteca Nacional de España

292. A Link with Magellan [Texto impreso] : Being a Chart of the East Indies, C. 1522

- 1929
Biblioteca Nacional de España

293. A list based on the Registus of the Stationers Company of 837 London publishers... between 1553 and 1640 A. D. ... [Texto impreso]

Arber, Edward - 1890
Biblioteca Nacional de España

294. A list of the books of reference in the reading room of the British Museum [Texto impreso]

- 1859
Biblioteca Nacional de España

295. A list of books (with references to periodicals) on the Philippine Islands in the Library of Congres [Texto impreso]

Library of Congress - 1903
Biblioteca Nacional de España

296. A list of maps of America in the Library of Congress [Texto impreso] : preceded by a list of works relating to cartography

Library of Congress. Division of Maps and Charts - 1901
Biblioteca Nacional de España

297. A list of old books recently purchased in various languages [Texto impreso] : now on sale at very low prices

Robert Baldock (Firma) - 1846
Biblioteca Nacional de España

298. A literal translation, with the Spanish interlined of the life and exploits of the ingenious knight Don Quixote de la Mancha [Texto impreso]

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de - 1816
Biblioteca Nacional de España

299. A las lagrimas de San Pedro [Texto impreso]

Ayala, Alonso de - 1691
Biblioteca Nacional de España

300. A los M. RR. PP. Maestros, Priores, Rectores, Subpriores, y Presidentes de nuestros Conventos, y á las Reverendas Madres Prioras ...y à todos los demas Religiosos, y Religiosas de esta nuestra Provincia de España del Orden de Predicadores, Fray Juan Perez ... Prior Provincial ... [Texto impreso]

Dominicos. Prior Provincial (Juan Pérez) - 1767?