
Registros 2.341-2.360 de 242.664 para a busca

Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

2341. A New and Accurate Mercators Chart of the Bay of Honduras Mosquito Shore and the British Yucatan also the Bahama Islands, Including Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola, Part of East Florida &c. [Material cartográfico] : Exhibiting at One View the Navigation of the Windward Passage, and the Gulf of Florida, with all the other Channels and Passages North of Cuba and Hispaniola

Stephenson, J. - 1789
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2342. A New and Accurate Mercators Chart of the West India Islands from Barbadoes to Jamaica [Material cartográfico]

Kirby, Thomas - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2343. A New and Accurate Plan of the Ancient Borough of Bury Saint Edmunds in the County of Suffolk [Material cartográfico]

Downing, Alexander - entre 1740 y 1761
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2344. A New and Compendious Map of England and Wales, wherein all the Great, Direct and Cross Roads are carefully inserted [Material cartográfico]

Jefferys, Thomas (ca. 1710-1771) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2345. A new and complete collection of Voyages and Travels... of the natives of these kingdoms, also of those of France, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Switzerland, Prussia, &c [Texto impreso] With the discoveries of the Portuguese, English, Dutch, and French. Relations of Maghellan, Drake, Candish, Anson, Dampier... with... description of New Holland, Zealand, O Taheitee, Tanna... the voyage of Mr. de Bougainville to the South Seas... Account of... Lord Mulgrave's Expedition... Septem of Geography...

Moore, John Hamilton - 1778
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2346. A new and complete greek Gradus or Poetical Lexicon of the Greek language [Texto impreso] : with a Latin and English translation ; an Englihs Greek vocabulary ; and a treatize on some of the principal rules for ascertaining the quantity of syllables, and on the mort popular Greek metres

Maltby, Edward - 1830
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2347. A New and Complete Map of the West Indies [Material cartográfico] : Comprehending All the Coasts and Islands Known by that Name

Jefferys, Thomas (ca. 1710-1771) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2348. A New and Complete Map of the West Indies Comprehending All the Coasts and Islands Known by That Name [Material cartográfico]

Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697-1782) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2349. A new and complete System of Geography a full, accurate, authentic, and interesting Account and Description of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ... including ... voyages and travels

Middleton, Charles Theodore - entre 1778 y 1779
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2350. A New and Correct Chart from the 63º of lat. N. to the Cape of Good Hope and from 71º Long. W to the 38º E. of London [Material cartográfico] : Exhibiting the whole of the atlantic or Western Ocean, and the greatest Part of the Ethiopic or Southern Ocean ; Wherein the Respective Coasts of Europe, Africa and of America North and South with all the islands and Dangers in two Seas are carefully described. To Robert Preston Esqre.

Preston, Robert (1740-1834) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2351. A New and Correct Chart of the Atlantic comprehending the Sea Coasts of Europe, Africa & America [Material cartográfico]

Winterfeld, J. de - 1786
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2352. A new and correct Chart of the Baltic from the Cattegat to Soderhamn and the Entrance of the Gulf of Finland on a Mercator's projection [Material cartográfico] : including the Harbours of Riga, Carlshamn, Ahus and Geffle with Views of the Principal Headlands

Moore, John Hamilton (1738-1807) - 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2353. A New and Correct Chart of the British Channel [Material cartográfico] : Inclunding the SE. Coast of Ireland, from Cape Clear, to the Tuskar Rock, and the Coast of France, from the Saints to Calais

Chandler, John - 1782?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2354. A New and Correct Chart of the Caribee or Windward Islands [Material cartográfico] : Regulated and Ascertained by Astronomical Observations

Moore, John Hamilton (1738-1807) - 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2355. A New and correct Chart of the Channel between England & France [Material cartográfico] : with considerable Improvements... shewing the Sands, Shoals, dpths of Water and Anchorage, with ye flowing of the Tydes, and setting of the Current

Halley, Edmond (1656-1742) - 1702?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2356. A New and Correct Chart of the Coast of England and Holland [Material cartográfico] : Including the Navigation from the South Foreland to Lynn Deeps and from Calais to the Texel

Moore, John Hamilton (1738-1807) - 1790
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2357. A New and Correct Chart of the Coast of Florida From the Island of St. Iohn's to the Bay of Ascention and River Micissipi [Material cartográfico]

Mount & Page (Londres) - entre 1764 y 1773?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2358. A New and Correct Chart of the Coast of Ireland [Material cartográfico] : Comprehending the Navigation from Caldy Island to the River Shannon

Moore, John Hamilton (1738-1807) - 1796
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2359. A New and Correct Chart of the Coast of Ireland from Sligo Bay to Belfast Loch [Material cartográfico] : deduced from the Latest Surveys and Most Accurate Observations

Hamilton Moore, John - 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2360. A New and Correct Chart of the Coast of New England and New York with the adjacent parts of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick form Cape Sable to the Entrance of Hudsons or North River [Material cartográfico]

Holland, Nathaniel - 1794