
Registros 141-160 de 50.007 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Libro Y tipo de materia Chile. Ejército.. Regimiento de Caballería no 2. Cazadores "General Baquedano" 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

141. A farther Illustration of the Analysis in answer to some foreign observations [Texto impreso]

Bryant, Jacob - 1778
Biblioteca Nacional de España

142. A flor de piel [Texto impreso] : (Novela)

Hoyos y Vinent, Antonio de - 1907
Biblioteca Nacional de España

143. A free inquiry into the miraculous powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the christian Church from the earliest ages ... [Texto impreso] : to which is addad, a letter from Rome, shewing an exact conformity between Popery and paganism, or the religion of the present romans, derived from that of their heathen ancestors

Middleton, Conyers - 1825
Biblioteca Nacional de España

144. A fuego lento [Texto impreso]

Bobadilla, Emilio - 1903
Biblioteca Nacional de España

145. A full and impartial history of the expedition into Spain: in the year, 1702 [Texto impreso] : Extracted from the jounals and memoirs of the Generals ; and from which it will be easie to draw rational conjectures, about the present enterprize to settle the Most Serene Charles III, on the Spanish Throne. To wich is added, An Account of Monsieur Chateaurenault's expedition, from his first sailing from Brest, in Sept. 1701, to his putting into Vigo, in Sept. 1702. In a letter from Monsieur de Gatines, Intendant of the Navy of France, to a Minister of State at Paris...

- 1704
Biblioteca Nacional de España

146. A full view of Papery, in a satyrical account of the lives of the papes, &c. [Texto impreso] : from the pretended sucession of St. Peter, to the present Pape Clement XI... : to this is added a confutation of the Mass, and a vindication of refor'm devotion...

- 1704
Biblioteca Nacional de España

147. A galope tendido [Texto impreso] : juguete cómico en un acto, en prosa

Díaz de la Quintana, Alberto - 1906
Biblioteca Nacional de España

148. A general Pronuncing and Explanatory Dictionary of the english language for the use os school, foreigners & on the plan of Mr. Sheridan... [Texto impreso]

Jones, Stephen - 1810
Biblioteca Nacional de España

149. A general view of the state of Portugal [Texto impreso] : containing a topographical description thereof. In which are included, an account of the physical and moral state of the Kingdom... Illustrated with plates

Murphy, James Cavanah - 1798
Biblioteca Nacional de España

150. A general view of Sweden... together with the Manners and customs of its Inhabitants... [Texto impreso]

Catteau Callville, Jean Pierre Guillaume - 1790
Biblioteca Nacional de España

151. A la gloriosa victoria de los aragoneses en el día 16 de junio de 1808 [Texto impreso] : oda

A. R. M. - 1808?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

152. A grammar of the Latin language [Texto impreso]

Zumpt, Carl Gottlob - 1847
Biblioteca Nacional de España

153. A grammar of the New Testament dialect [Texto impreso]

Stuart, M. - 1841
Biblioteca Nacional de España

154. A grande batalha de Lerida entre o exercito del Rey christianissimo governado pello marichal de la Motha, & o de Castella, que hia a cargo dos marqueses de Terracusa, de Leganez, & outras cabeças em terça feira 7 de outubro de 1642 : Em a qual os castelhanos foraõ constrangidos a levantar o cerco, depois de haverem perdido tres mil homẽs, entre mortos, afogados, & prisioneiros, & entre elles 300 caualleiros das ordens de Hespanha

Anvers, Lourenço de (fl. 1641-1647) - 1642
Biblioteca Nacional de España

155. A granel [Texto impreso] : libro de pasatiempo y deporte

Balaguer, Víctor - 1896
Biblioteca Nacional de España

156. A la grata memoria del señor D. José Musso y Valiente, para gloria y ejemplo de los suyos ... y gratitud de la patria, consagra esta noticia de su vida su hijo, discípulo y mejor amigo Fermín de La Puente y Apezechea

Puente y Apezechea, Fermín de la - 1838
Biblioteca Nacional de España

157. A la Guerra de la Independencia Española : oda

Muiños Sáenz, Conrado - 1882
Biblioteca Nacional de España

158. A guerra [Texto impreso] : (notas e dúvidas)

Telles, Bazilio - 1914
Biblioteca Nacional de España

159. A guide to the Diorama of the campaigns of the duke of Wellington [Texto impreso]

Ford, Richard - 1852
Biblioteca Nacional de España

160. A guide to the West Indies, Bermuda and Panama [Texto impreso]

Ober, Frederick A. - 1920