
Registros 181-200 de 11.805 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Libro Y tipo de materia Asociación Cultural Biblioteca Popular "Anatole France" (Buenos Aires) 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

181. A tour in Italy and Sicily [Texto impreso]

Simond, Louis - 1828
Biblioteca Nacional de España

182. A tour through the highlands of Scotland and the Hebride Isles in MDCCLXXXVI [Texto impreso]

Knox, John - 1787
Biblioteca Nacional de España

183. A tour through Holland, Dutch Brabant the Austrian Netherlands and part of France... [Texto impreso] : description of Paris...

Peckham, Harry - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

184. A tour through Italy, containing full directions for travelling in that... country... [Texto impreso]

Martyn, Thomas - 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

185. A tour through some of the northern parts of Europe, particularly Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Petersburgh [Texto impreso] : in a series of letters

Wraxall, Nathaniel William - 1775
Biblioteca Nacional de España

186. A traveller's rambling reminiscences of the Spanish war [Texto impreso] : with a refutation of the charges of cruelty brought against general Evans and the British Legion ; and a defence of British policy

Farr, Thomas - 1838
Biblioteca Nacional de España

187. A través de las cabañas... [Texto impreso]

Zeballos, Estanislao S. - 1888
Biblioteca Nacional de España

188. A treatise of the Cholick [Texto impreso]

Purcell, John - 1714
Biblioteca Nacional de España

189. A treatise of the difference betwixt the temporal and eternal composed in spanish by Eusebius Nieremberg S.J. translated into English by Sir Vivian Mullineaux, knight. And since reviewed according to the tenth and last Spanish edition.

Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio - 1672
Biblioteca Nacional de España

190. A treatise on the art of dancing

Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea - 1772
Biblioteca Nacional de España

191. A Treatise on the art of dancing

Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea - 1765
Biblioteca Nacional de España

192. A treatise on the winning and working of collieries [Texto impreso] : including numerous statistics regarding ventilation and the prevention of accidents in mines, and illustrated with explanatory engravings and collieny plans

Dunn, Matthias - 1852
Biblioteca Nacional de España

193. A Treatise upon the Authenticity of the Scriptures, and the truth of the Christian religion [Texto impreso]

Bryant, Jacob - 1810
Biblioteca Nacional de España

194. A trip to Mexico or recollections of a ten months' ramble in 1849 50 [Texto impreso]

Forbes, Alexander Clark - 1851
Biblioteca Nacional de España

195. A true and genuine history of the two last wars againse France and Spain... [Texto impreso]

Defoe, Daniel - 1741
Biblioteca Nacional de España

196. A la vera del mar [Texto impreso] : novela

Chirveches, Armando - 1926
Biblioteca Nacional de España

197. A view of the french campaign in Russia, in the year 1812, collected from the official and other documents of both nations [Texto impreso] : containing the movements of both armies, and all the battles fought, from the time of the entrance of the franch into the russian territories at Kowno, ... to their retreat from Moscow, and the subsequent disasters...

- 1813
Biblioteca Nacional de España

198. A view of the present condition of the slave population in the island of Puerto Rico, under the Spanish government [Texto impreso] : showing the impolicy and danger of prematurely emancipating the West India slaves ...

Dawson Flinter, George - 1832
Biblioteca Nacional de España

199. A voice from Lebanon [Texto impreso] : with the life and travels of Assaad Y. Kayat

Kayat, Assaad Y. - 1847
Biblioteca Nacional de España

200. A voyage to and from the island of Borneo in the East Indies [Texto impreso] : With a description of the said island ; giving an account of the inhabitants, their mauners, customs, religion, product, chief ports and trade. Together with the re establishment of the English trade there, an. 1714... Also a description of the islands of Canary, Cap Verd, Java, Nachuza (sic) ; of the Streights of Bally, the Cape of Good Hope, the Hottentots, the island of St. Helena, Ascension, & c...

Beeckman, Daniel - 1718