
Registros 9.101-9.120 de 11.658 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Material cartográfico impreso Y Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

9101. Plan of Part of the Malabar Coast [Material cartográfico] : Comprehended Between Cape Comorin and the Point of Veniam Laid down on the Spot From a French MS.

Walker, J. grabador - entre 1776 y 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9102. Plan of Part of Papua and New Britain or the Salomon Islands [Material cartográfico] : Copied from Dampier, Collated whit De Bry, Herrera, &c.

- 1788?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9103. Plan of Part of the Strait of Sunda [Material cartográfico] : From the Fourth Point of Java to P°. Panjang

Bampton, William - 1787
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9104. Plan of Part of the Sº Coast of Mageendanao or Mindanao [Material cartográfico] : From a Spanish M.S. of doubtful Authority

Russell, John (1745-1806) - 1774
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9105. Plan of the Passage between Pº Krokatoa and Pº Slebeze to shew the Position of the Hindostan Rock [Material cartográfico] by Mr. Robert Torin ; W. Harrison sc.

Torin, Robert - 1792
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9106. Plan of Patta on the East Coast of Africa [Material cartográfico]

Crichton, Capt. C. David - entre 1751 y 1774
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9107. Plan of Pera River, P°. Dingding and the Sambelong Islands [Material cartográfico]

Forrest, Thomas - 1786
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9108. Plan of the Place where Monsr. Crozet [anchored] on the East Side of Banka 23d. March 1773 [Material cartográfico]

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - entre 1773 y 1781
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9109. Plan of Plettenberg Bay called St. Francisco [Material cartográfico]

Perestrello, Manuel de Mesquita - 1781
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9110. Plan of Ponta de Gala on the South Coast of Ceylon [Material cartográfico]

Keulen, Gerard van (1678-1726) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9111. Plan of Poolo Baber Bay on the West Coast of Sumatra [Material cartográfico]

Macdonald, John Capitán - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9112. Plan of Pooloo Saytan Harbour on the West Coast of Sumatra [Material cartográfico]

Mac Donald, John (s. XVIII) - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9113. Plan of the Port and Bay of Cape East on Madagascar [Material cartográfico] : in Lat. 15º 15' S. Variation 17º 2' is allowed

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - 1782
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9114. Plan of Port Louis in the Isle de France, or Mauritius [Material cartográfico] : Made in 1771, & revised in 1775

Boisquenay, Capt. M. de - entre 1771 y 1793
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9115. Plan of Port Louquez on Madagascar [Material cartográfico] : in Lat. 12°.18' S.

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9116. Plan of the Port of Chaoul on the Coast of Concan [Material cartográfico] : Belonging to the Mahrattas Lat. 18º 32' 20'' N. Long. 69º 36' 25'' E. fr. Paris : From a French MS. communicated by Govº Hornby To Whom This Plate is inscribed

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9117. Plan of the Port of Geby in the Maluco Islands [Material cartográfico] : Laid down geometrically on the Spot in 1772

Harrison, William (grabador) - entre 1772 y 1779
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9118. Plan of the Port of Palapa on the N°.Coast of Samar [Material cartográfico]

Russell, John (1745-1806) - 1774
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9119. Plan of the Port of Rhio on the Island of Bintang [Material cartográfico] : In the Straits of Singapore Lat. 1°0' N. from a Draugth Publish'd by Mr. de Manevillette Compared with a French Manuscript Communicated by Mr. Dodwell

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9120. Plan of the Port of Subec in the Isle of Luconia [Material cartográfico] : Survey'd in the Year 1766 (from Monsr. d'Apres de Mannevillette)

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - 1794