
Registros 141-160 de 9.351 para la búsqueda

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141. Abril en Portugal [Grabación sonora] = Avril au Portugal

Ferrão, Raúl - 1954
Biblioteca Nacional de España

142. La abuela [Manuscrito] : zarzuela en dos actos y en verso. Emp.: Pues, señor, el lance es serio (h. 3)... Fin.: su dulce esclavitud (h. 94v)

Pastor, Leandro Tomás - 1862

143. Acacia de Madrid [Grabación sonora] : pasodoble

García Morcillo, Fernando - 1958
Biblioteca Nacional de España

144. Academia con que el Ex±mo÷. Señor Marques de Xamaica celebró los felizes años de Mag ... D. Maria Ana de Austria el dia 22 de Diziembre de 1672 ... [Texto impreso]

Pérez de Montoro, José (m. 1694) - 1673
Biblioteca Nacional de España

145. Acaso [Texto impreso]

Valcarce, Javier - 1911
Biblioteca Nacional de España

146. Accident quadrangle, Maryland West Virginia Pennsylvania

Geological Survey (Estados Unidos) - 1900
Biblioteca Nacional de España

147. La acción particular en el movimiento pedagógico de la España contemporánea : discurso pronunciado por D. Rafael M. de Labra en el banquete con que el "Fomento de las Artes" de Madrid obsequió en el restaurant de Rusia a los organizadores y directores del Congreso Pedagógico Hispano Portugués Americano, verificado en octubre de 1892

Labra, Rafael M. de - 1894
Biblioteca Nacional de España

148. Acción sindical femenina

Santander, Juan José - 1914
Biblioteca Nacional de España

149. La acción social para proteger y educar los niños abandonados [Texto impreso]

Cossío y Gómez-Acebo, Manuel de - 1914
Biblioteca Nacional de España

150. An account of the present state of the island of Puerto Rico [Texto impreso]

Flinter, George Dawson - 1834
Biblioteca Nacional de España

151. An account of the voyages undertaken by the order of His Present Majesty for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively performed by commedore Byron, Captain Wallis, captain Carteret and Captain Cook ... [Texto impreso]

Hawkesworth, John - 1773
Biblioteca Nacional de España

152. An Accurate Map of Northampton Shire, Divided into its Hundreds and Laid down from best Authorities assisted by the most approved Modern Maps, with various Improvements [Material cartográfico] : Illustrated with Historical Extracts relative to its Natural Produce, Trade, Manufactures, & present State of its Principals Towns

Bowen, Emanuel (m. 1676) - entre 1775 y 1795?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

153. An accurate Chart of the Bay of Biscay [Material cartográfico] : with the Sounding taken by the King's Orders by the Frigate Anemone to know bow far the Soundings from Ushant to Bayonne extend from shore & the Quality of ye. Botton Done by Order of the Minister of Marine to facilitate the approach of ships to the Coasts of France by the help of sounding

Magin, M. - 1765
Biblioteca Nacional de España

154. An Accurate Chart of the Bay of Biscay [Material cartográfico] : with the soundings taken in 1756 & 1757 by the French Frigate Anemone to know how far the soundings, between Usthant and Boyonne extend from shore & the Quality of the Botton : Done by order of the Minister of Marine to facilitate the Approach of Ships to the Coast of France by the help of sounding

Magin, M. - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

155. An Accurate Draught of the Gulph Passage from Jamaica with the West end of Cuba &c. [Material cartográfico]

Bowen, Emanuel (m. 1676) - 1761
Biblioteca Nacional de España

156. An Accurate Map of Berkshire Divided into its Hundreds [Material cartográfico] : Drawn from the best Authorities assisted by Surveys and most approved. Maps with various Improvements Illustrated with Historical Extracts relative to Trade, Manufactures, Natural produce, &c. present State of the principal Towns &c.

Bowen, Emanuel (m. 1676) - entre 1775 y 1795?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

157. An Accurate Map of Buckingham Shire Divided into its Hundrends [Material cartográfico] : Drawn from the best Authorities assisted by most approved Modern Maps with various Improvements Illustred with Historical Extracts relative to Natural History, Produce, Trade and Manufactures and the present State of the principal Towns

Bowen, Emanuel (m. 1676) - entre 1775 y 1795?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

158. An Accurate Map of Cambridgeshire Divided into its hundreds [Material cartográfico] : Drawn from Surveys assisted by the most approved Modern Maps...

Bowen, Emanuel (m. 1676) - entre 1785 y 1799
Biblioteca Nacional de España

159. An Accurate Map of Cardigan Shire [Material cartográfico] : Draw from an Actual Survey with various Improvements. Illustrated with Historical Extracts relative to its Natural Produce, Trade, Manufactures, Air, Soil, &c.

Wilkinson, Robert (m. ca. 1825) - entre 1775 y 1795?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

160. An Accurate Map of the Counties of Gloucester and Monmouth [Material cartográfico] : Divided into their Respective Hundreds : Collected from the Best Materials and Illustrated wth. Historical Extracts Relative to their Natural Produce Trade Manufactures, &c MLCCLX [sic]

Wilkinson, Robert (m. ca. 1825) - entre 1775 y 1795?