
Registros 321-340 de 366 para la búsqueda

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Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

321. ˜A œlinda história de uma família no tempo de Dona Maria I

Almeida Virgínia de Castro e 1874-1945 - 1944
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

322. ˜A œmulher

Almeida Virgínia de Castro e 1874-1945 - 1913
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

323. ˜A œnarrative of the Campaign of the British Army in Spain, commanded by his excellency Lieut. General Sir John Moore, K. B. &c. &c. &c. authenticated by official papers and original letters

Moore James Carrick 1763-1834 - 1809
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

324. ˜A œnarrative of the naval part of the expedition to Portugal under the orders of his Imperial Majesty Dom Pedro, Duke of Braganza

Mins Peter - 1833
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

325. ˜A œnarrative of the principal events of the campaigns of 1809, 1810 & 1811, in Spain and Portugal interspersed with remarks on local scenery and manners

Stothert William - 1812
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

326. ˜A œpicture of Lisbon, taken on the spot

Carrère Joseph-Barthélemy-François 1740-1802 - 1809
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

327. ˜A œpicturesque tour in Spain, Portugal and along the coast of Africa, from Tangiers to Tetuan

Taylor Isidore Justin Séverin Barão 1789-1879 - 1827
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

328. ˜A œpolítica e as finanças

Azevedo Lourenço de Almeida e 1833-1891 - 1870
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

329. ˜A œpraga

Almeida Virgínia de Castro e 1874-1945 - 1917
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

330. ˜A œvisit to the Azores

Roundell Julia Anne Elizabeth - 1889
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

331. ˜A œWinter in the Azores; and Summer at the baths of the Furnas

Bullar Joseph - 1841
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

332. ˜Aoœ Excellentissimo Senhor D. Jozé Antonio de Sousa Coutinho da Mattha, Correyo Mór do Reino...

Almeida Maurício Vicente de fl. 1731-1742 - 17??
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

333. ˜Aœ narrative of the Campaigns of the Loyal Lusitanian Legion, under Brigadier General Sir Robert Wilson...

Lillie John Scott 1790-1868 - 1812
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

334. ˜L'œAmerique en plusiers cartes nouvelles et exactes; et en divers traittez de geographie & d'histoire...

Sanson Nicolas 1600-1667 - 16??
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

335. ˜L'œIppolito

Tedeschi Antonio 1702-1770 - 1752
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

336. ˜O œalfageme de Santarém ou a espada do Condestável

Garrett Almeida 1799-1854 - 1842
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

337. ˜O œArco de Sanct'anna

Garrett Almeida 1799-1854 - 1845-1850
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

338. ˜O œArco de Sant'Anna

Correia António 1834-1892 - 1868
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

339. ˜O œcoelhinho verde

Almeida Virgínia de Castro e 1874-1945 - 1944
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

340. ˜O œdia vinte e quatro de Agosto

Garrett Almeida 1799-1854 - 1821