
Registros 921-940 de 99.005 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Libro Y Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

921. A treatise of the gout [Texto impreso]

Mayerne, Théodore Turquet de - 1676
Biblioteca Nacional de España

922. A Treatise of Navigation [Texto impreso] : containing, I. The Theory of Navigation demonstrated ... II. Nautical Problems ... III. Astronomical Problems ... IV. Practical Navigation ... : To which is prefixed, by way of introduction ...

Harris, Joseph - 1730
Biblioteca Nacional de España

923. A treatise of the Police of the Metropolis [Texto impreso] : containing a detail of the various crimes and misdemeanors by which public and private property and security are, at present injured and endangered : and suggesting remedies for their prevention

Colquhoun, Patrik - 1806
Biblioteca Nacional de España

924. A treatise of the stone and gravel their causes, signs, &... rendred into English [Texto impreso]

Groeneveld, Joan - 1677
Biblioteca Nacional de España

925. A treatise on the art of dancing

Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea - 1772
Biblioteca Nacional de España

926. A Treatise on the art of dancing

Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea - 1765
Biblioteca Nacional de España

927. A treatise on diamonds and pearls, in which their importance is considered [Texto impreso] and plain rules are exhibited for ascertaining the value of both: and the true method of manufacturing diamonds

Jeffries, David - 1750
Biblioteca Nacional de España

928. A treatise on the winning and working of collieries [Texto impreso] : including numerous statistics regarding ventilation and the prevention of accidents in mines, and illustrated with explanatory engravings and collieny plans

Dunn, Matthias - 1852
Biblioteca Nacional de España

929. A treatise tending vnto a declaration [Texto impreso] : whether a man be in the estate of damnation, or in the estate of grace ...

Perkins, William - 1612
Biblioteca Nacional de España

930. A treatise touching the libertie of a Christian [Texto impreso]

Luther, Martin - 1817
Biblioteca Nacional de España

931. A Treatise upon the Authenticity of the Scriptures, and the truth of the Christian religion [Texto impreso]

Bryant, Jacob - 1810
Biblioteca Nacional de España

932. A tres puntos se han reducido los informes que se han dado por parte del Señor Cardenal de Sandoual, Arçobispo de Toledo, en el pleyto que sigue con Don Geronimo de Guardiola. El primero, sobre que funda de derecho, para el retracto que tiene introducido de la Villa de la Guardia ...

Toledo (Archidiócesis). Arzobispo (1646-1665: Baltasar Moscoso y Sandoval) - 1619
Biblioteca Nacional de España

933. A tribute for the negro, being a vindication of the moral, intellectual, and religious capabilities of the coloured portion of mankind, with particular reference to the African race ... [Texto impreso]

Armistead, Wilson - 1848
Biblioteca Nacional de España

934. A trip to Mexico or recollections of a ten months' ramble in 1849 50 [Texto impreso]

Forbes, Alexander Clark - 1851
Biblioteca Nacional de España

935. A triste cançao do sul [Texto impreso] : (subsidios para a historia de Fado)

Pimentel, Alberto - 1904
Biblioteca Nacional de España

936. A true and genuine history of the two last wars againse France and Spain... [Texto impreso]

Defoe, Daniel - 1741
Biblioteca Nacional de España

937. A true and particular relation of the Dreaoful Earthquake which happen'd at Suina... and... Port of Pallao on the 28th of october 1746... [Texto impreso]

- 1748
Biblioteca Nacional de España

938. A tutor to Astronomy and Geography, Or an casie and speedy way to know the use of both the globes, caelestial and terrestrial in six books [Texto impreso]

Moxon, Joseph - 1686
Biblioteca Nacional de España

939. A última hora [Texto impreso] : entremés lírico dramático, original y en verso

Olona, José - 1850
Biblioteca Nacional de España

940. A universal geographical dictionary, or Grand Gazetteer ; of general, special antient and modern geography [Texto impreso] : Including a comprehensive view of the varions countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America ; more especially of the British Domiens and settlements throughout the word...

Brice, Andrew - 1759