
Registros 621-640 de 11.658 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Material cartográfico impreso Y Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

621. A Topographical Map of the County of Surrey In which is Expressed all the Roads, Lanes, Churches, Noblemen and Gentelmen's Seats &c &c [Material cartográfico]

Rocque, John (fl. 1734-1762) - 1768?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

622. A Topographical Map of the County of Sussex, divided into Rapes, Deanries and Hundreds [Material cartográfico] : Planned from an actual Survey by a Scale of one inch to a Statute Mile

Gardner, William (topógrafo) - 1795
Biblioteca Nacional de España

623. A Topographical Map of Hartford Shire [Material cartográfico] : From an Actual Survey in which is Express'd all the Roads, Lanes...with the Division of the Parishes

Dury, Andrew - 1782
Biblioteca Nacional de España

624. A Topographical Map of Hudsons River, with the Channels Depth of Water, Rocks, Shoals &c. and the Country adjacent [Material cartográfico] : from Sandy Hook, New York and Bay to Fort Edward, also the Communication with Canada by Lake George and Lake Champlain, as high as Fort Chambly on Sorel River

Sauthier, Claude Joseph - 1776
Biblioteca Nacional de España

625. A topographical map of the Isle of Minorca [Material cartográfico] : Geometrically surveyd by the Royal Engineers, while it remained in the posesion of the French during the Las War, and Digested

La Rochette, Louis Stanislas d'Arcy de (1731-1802) - 1780
Biblioteca Nacional de España

626. A Topographical map of the Isle of Wight, in Hampshire on a Scale of 2 Inches to a Mile [Material cartográfico] : From an Actual Survey, in which are Express'd all the Roads, Towns, Villages, Houses, Rivers, Woods, Hills, Noblement & Gentlemens Seats, and every Thing Remarkable in the Island, with the Division of the Parishes

Andrews, John (1736-1809) - 1775
Biblioteca Nacional de España

627. A Topographical Map of the Northn. Part of New York Island [Material cartográfico] : Exhibiting the Plan of Fort Washington, now Fort Knyphasen, With the Rebels Lines to the Southward, which were Forced by the Troops under the Command of the Rt. Honble. Earl Percy, on the 16th. Novr. 1776, and Survey'd immediately after by Order of his Lordship,

Faden, William (1749-1836) - entre 1776 y 1777
Biblioteca Nacional de España

628. A Topographical Map of Wiltshire [Material cartográfico] : on a Scale of 2 Inches to a Mile from an Actual Survey

Andrews, John (1736-1809) - 1773
Biblioteca Nacional de España

629. A Topographical Plan of Manchester and Salford with the adjacent parts shewing also the different allotments of Land proposed to be built on as communicated to the Surveyor by the respective Proprietors [Material cartográfico]

Laurent, Charles (s. XVIII) - 1793
Biblioteca Nacional de España

630. A Topographical Map of the County of Kent [Material cartográfico] : in Twenty Five Sheets, on a Scale of two Inches to a Mile, from an Actual Survey in which are Expressed all the Roads, Lanes, Churches, Towns, Villages...

Andrews, John (1736-1809) - 1769?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

631. A Trigonometrical Survey of the Bay of Coringa [Material cartográfico]

Topping, Michael - entre 1789 y 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

632. A True and Correct Chart of the Coast of Scotland [Material cartográfico] : from St. Abb's Head to the Red Head, Up Edinburgh Firth to Aberlady Bay, and the Tay to Dundee

Downie, Murdo - 1792
Biblioteca Nacional de España

633. AAF Aeronautical chart. 453, Raoui Dunes [Material cartográfico]

Estados Unidos. Army Air Forces - 1944
Biblioteca Nacional de España

634. AAF Aeronautical chart. 420, Atlas Mountains [Material cartográfico]

Estados Unidos. Army Air Forces - 1945
Biblioteca Nacional de España

635. AAF Aeronautical chart. 322, Balkan mts [Material cartográfico] Balkan peninsula

Estados Unidos. Army Air Forces - 1943
Biblioteca Nacional de España

636. Abbeville Flle. 8

Francia. Service geographique de l'armée - 1890
Biblioteca Nacional de España

637. Abbildung der Keysrl. Freyen Reichs Wahl und Handelstatt Franckfurt am Mayn mit Ihrem Gebiet und Gräntzen [Material cartográfico]

Homann, Johann Baptist (1663-1724) - 1710?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

638. Abenójar H. 0783 [Material cartográfico]

Ibáñez de Ibero, Carlos (1825-1891) - 1888
Biblioteca Nacional de España

639. [Abisinia] [Material cartográfico]

- 1935?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

640. Ablanque H. 0488 [Material cartográfico]

- 1920