
Registros 3.861-3.880 de 323.040 para a busca

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

3861. A voyage from Calcutta to the Mergui Archipielago, lyingon the east side of... Bengal... [Texto impreso]

Forrest, Thomas - 1792
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3862. A voyage in a Sunbeam [Texto impreso]

Brassey, Annie - 1877
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3863. A voyage into the Levant [Texto impreso] : perform'd by Command of the late French King...

Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de - 1718
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3864. A voyage round the world in... the dolphin, commanded by the honourable commodore Byron... [Texto impreso] : with an... account of seven islands lately discovered in the South Seas

- 1767
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3865. A voyage round the world in his Majesty's Ship The Dolphin [Texto impreso]

- 1767
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3866. A voyage round the world, in the Years 1740 41 42 43 44 [Texto impreso]

Anson, George Anson - 1749
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3867. A voyage to and from the island of Borneo in the East Indies [Texto impreso] : With a description of the said island ; giving an account of the inhabitants, their mauners, customs, religion, product, chief ports and trade. Together with the re establishment of the English trade there, an. 1714... Also a description of the islands of Canary, Cap Verd, Java, Nachuza (sic) ; of the Streights of Bally, the Cape of Good Hope, the Hottentots, the island of St. Helena, Ascension, & c...

Beeckman, Daniel - 1718
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3868. A voyage to Arabia fœlix throught the eastern ocean and the streights of the Red Sea, being the first made by the french in the years 1708, 1709, and 1710... [Texto impreso]

La Roque, Jean de - 1742
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3869. A voyage to China and the East Indies [Texto impreso]

Osbeck, Peter - 1771
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3870. A voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas, from Balambaugan... During the years 1774, 1775 and 1776 [Texto impreso]

Forrest, Thomas - 1779
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3871. A voyage to New Guinea, and the Moluccas, from Balambaugan Texto impreso: including an Account of Magindano, Sooloo, and other Islands ... Belonging to the Honorable East India Company, Duriong the years 1774, 1775, and 1776

Forrest, Thomas - 1779
Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

3872. A voyage to the Pacific Ocean undertaken by command of his majesty, for making dicoveries in the northern hemisphere : performed under the direction of captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780

Cook, James, - 1793.
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3873. A voyage to the Pacific Ocean [Texto impreso] : undertaken by the Command of His Majesty, for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere ... : in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780 : in three volumes

Cook, James - 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3874. A voyage to Peru [Texto impreso] : Performed by the Court of St. Malo in the years 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748 ad 1749

Chaplain - 1753
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3875. A voyage to South America [Texto impreso] : describing at large, the spanish cities, towns, provinces, &c. on that extensive continent ... together with the natural as well as commercial history of the country, and an account of their gold and silver mines ...

Juan, Jorge - 1760
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3876. A voyage to the South Sea, and round the world [Texto impreso] : perform’d in the years 1708, 1709, 1710, and 1711. Containing a journal of all memorable transactions during the said voyage ... the taking of the towns of Puna and Guayaquil, and several prizes ... a description of the American coasts, from Tierra del Fuego in the south, to California in the north...

Coke, Edward - 1712
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3877. A voyage to the South Sea and along the coasts of Chili and Perú in the years 1712, 1713 and 1714... [Texto impreso]

Frézier, Amedée-François - 1717
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3878. A voyage towards the North Pole undertaken by his Majesty's command, 1773 [Texto impreso]

Mulgrave, Constantine John Phipps - 1774
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3879. A voyage towards the south pole, and round the World [Texto impreso] : Performed in His Majesty’s ships the Resolution and Adventure, in the years, 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775.

Cook, James - 1777
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3880. A voyage up the river Amazon, including a residence at Pará

Edwards, William H. - 1847