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The muses farewel to popery and llavery or, a collection of miscellany poems, satyrs, songs &c. :made by the most eminent nits of the nation, as the shams, intreagues, and plots of priests and jesuits gave occasion ...


  • Contenido pt. 2: Supplement to the collection of miscellany poems against popery & slavery. London: printed in the year 1689, con portada, paginación y signaturización propias
  • Lugar de publicación London : Printed for N.R.H.F. and T.K. and are to be sold by the book-sellers of London and Westminster
  • Datos de edición London : Printed for N.R.H.F. and T.K. and are to be sold by the book-sellers of London and Westminster
  • Tipo de Documento Libro
  • Materia Anticatolicismo
    Canciones políticas
    Gran Bretaña - Historia - 1603-1714 (Casa de Estuardo)
  • Descripción física 2 pt. ([6], 144 p. ; [4], 95 p., [1] en bl.); 8º
  • Descripción Sign.: [ ]⁴⁻¹, A - K⁸ ; A², B - G⁸
  • Signatura U/444
  • Identificador bdh0000042021