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Biblioteca Nacional de España

101. A Chart of the River of Persaim [Material cartográfico]

Baker, George. Capt. - entre 1754 y 1775
Biblioteca Nacional de España

102. A Chart of the River Plate from the Bay of Castillos to Santa Fe [Material cartográfico] : Done from the Latest & Best Discoveries by ye order of ye Honble. South Sea Company

Mount & Page (Londres) - 1736?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

103. A Chart of the Sands and Channels from the Nore to Margate Road... [Material cartográfico]

Grosvenor, James - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

104. A Chart of the Schooner Cuddalore's Track along the West Coast of Palawan in December 1761 [Material cartográfico]

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1769
Biblioteca Nacional de España

105. A chart of the Sea Coast from England to the Streights [Material cartográfico]

Moll, Herman (m. 1732) - entre 1700 y 1750?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

106. A Chart of the Sea Coast of England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Biscay, Portugall, Spaine and Part of Barbary [Material cartográfico] : Describeing ye. Townes, Harbours, Rivers Bayes, ...

Collins, Greenville - entre 1750 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

107. A Chart of the Seas between the Straits of Banca and P°. Timon with the Eastern Part of the Straits of Malacca [Material cartográfico]

Gilbert, William (s. XVIII) - 1790
Biblioteca Nacional de España

108. A Chart of some Islands between Borneo and Banca [Material cartográfico] : seen by the Osterly in her Passage Outwart and Homeward 1758 & 1759

Powell, John (s. XVIII) - entre 1758 y 1759
Biblioteca Nacional de España

109. A Chart of the South Coast of Haynan [Material cartográfico] : from Tinhosa to Guichou survey'd in 1776 and 77

Haldane, Capt. John - 1777
Biblioteca Nacional de España

110. A Chart of the South Part of Sumatra and of the Straits of Sunda and Banca with Gaspar Straits [Material cartográfico] : Corrected and Improved from the Observations of Capt. Josh. Huddart, Capt. John Hall and Capt. Henry Smedley

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

111. A Chart of the South East Coast of Africa from C. Good Hope to Delagoa Bay [Material cartográfico]

Gilbert, William (s. XVIII) - 1790
Biblioteca Nacional de España

112. A Chart of the South East Part of Newfoundland [Material cartográfico] : Containing the Bays of Placentia, St. Mary, Trepassey and Conception, from Actual Surveys

Sayer, Robert (1725-1794) - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

113. A Chart of the Southern Extremity of America 1775 [Material cartográfico]

Strahan, William (1715-1785) - 1777
Biblioteca Nacional de España

114. A Chart of St. Augustin's Bay, on the Island Madagascar [Material cartográfico]

Nicholson, William (s. XVIII) - entre 1758 y 1790
Biblioteca Nacional de España

115. A Chart of the Straights of Bellisle with part of the coast of Newfoundland and Labradore from actual surveys [Material cartográfico]

Cook, James (1728-1779) - entre 1766 y 1786
Biblioteca Nacional de España

116. A Chart of the Straits of Allais [Material cartográfico] : Inscribed by Permission to the Society of East India Commanders London

Robertson, George (fl. 1766) - entre 1750 y 1800
Biblioteca Nacional de España

117. A Chart of the Straits of Bali with the Soundings and the Northern Adjacents Islands [Material cartográfico]

Gilbert, William (s. XVIII) - 1790
Biblioteca Nacional de España

118. A Chart of the Straits of Magellan [Material cartográfico]

Cruz Cano y Olmedilla, Juan de la (1734-1790) - 1775
Biblioteca Nacional de España

119. A Chart of the Straits of Malacca and Sincapore [Material cartográfico]

Jefferys, Thomas (ca. 1710-1771) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

120. A Chart of the Straits of Sunda [Material cartográfico] : with Part of the North Coast of the Island of Java, as far as Batavia

Gilbert, William (s. XVIII) - 1790