
Registros 1-20 de 71 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Libro Y tipo de materia Iglesia Católica Obras de controversia 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

1. A defence of the reformed Catholicke of M. W. Perkins ... against the bastard counter catholicke of D. Bishop ... [Texto impreso]

Abbot, Robert - entre 1606 y 1609
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2. A discouerie and batterie of the great fort of vnwritten Traditions : otherwise, An examination of the Counsell of Trent, touching the decree of Traditions, otherwise, an examination of the Counsell of Trent, touching the decree of Traditions

Chemnitz, Martin - 1582
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3. A letter to Charles Butler [Texto impreso] : esq. on his notice of the "Practical and internal evidence against Catholicism"

Blanco White, José María - 1826
Biblioteca Nacional de España

4. A narrative of the conversion from popery of the Rev. G. Cerioni and The Rev. L.D. Moscardi, fornerly Padre Berardo da Jesi, and Padre Leonardo da Camarda ... [Texto impreso]

Cerioni, G. - 1852
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5. A treatise of the corruption of scripture councils and fathers, by the prelats, pastors and pillars of the church of Rome, for maintenance of popery

James, Thomas - 1688
Biblioteca Nacional de España

6. Les Actes de la conference tenue a Nismes entre Daniel Chamier ... et Pierre Coton iesuite ... [Texto impreso]

Chamier, Daniel - 1601
Biblioteca Nacional de España

7. Additions to three minor works [Texto impreso] : The spiritual venality, or taxae of the Church of Rome, 1836, The venal indulgences of the Church of Rome, 1839, The index of prohibited books by Gregory VI, 1840

Mendham, Joseph - 1848
Biblioteca Nacional de España

8. Antichristi demonstratio, contra fabulas pontificias, & ineptam Roberti Bellarmini de Antichristo disputationem

Abbot, Robert - 1603
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9. Babylon [Texto impreso] : or the question examined, "Is the Church of Rome the Babylon of the Apocalypse"

Wordsworth, Christopher - 1856
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10. Barbarie praticate a Roma nel secolo decimo nono [Texto impreso] : racconto

Ciocci, Raffaele - 1845
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11. The book of Popery [Texto impreso] : a manual for protestants, descriptive of the origin, progress, doctrines, rites and ceremonies of the Papal Church

Cobbin, Ingram - 1840
Biblioteca Nacional de España

12. Bäpstischer Triumph [Texto impreso] : darinnen die erdichte Succession und berühmbte widerwertige Einhelligkeit der Papisten und Jesuiten ... sonderlich aber derselben fürnembsten Concilia, mit dem heiligen Paulo, andern Aposteln ... allen frommen, betrübten und benachbarten Christen, so allbereit mit Weib und Kind unter dem Antichristischen Papsthumb stecken ... zu trewhertziger Warn ung, sonderbarem Nutz und Trost geschrieben ...

Philos, Maximilian - 1664
Biblioteca Nacional de España

13. Cartas á un escéptico en materia de religión [Texto impreso]

Balmes, Jaime - 1862
Biblioteca Nacional de España

14. The copies of certaine letters which have passed betweene Spaine and England in matter of Religion [Texto impreso]

Wadsworth, James - 1624
Biblioteca Nacional de España

15. Dealings with the Inquisition or Papal Rome, her priests and her jesuits [Texto impreso] : with important disclosures

Achilli, Giacinto - 1851
Biblioteca Nacional de España

16. Discurso pronunciado por Don Antonio Aparisi y Guijarro, en refutación del Almanaque Democrático, en la sesión del día 23 de febrero de 1864 [Texto impreso]

Aparisi y Guijarro, Antonio - 1864
Biblioteca Nacional de España

17. Doctrines of Popery, as established by the Council of Trent, considered. No. I. on Holy Scripture and tradition [Texto impreso]

Newton, Benjamin Wills - 1851
Biblioteca Nacional de España

18. Eight learned personages lately conuerted (in the Realme of France) from papistrie, to the churches reformed [Texto impreso] : hauing aduisedly and holily set downe the reasons that moued them thereunto ...

Broom , Johanna - 1601
Biblioteca Nacional de España

19. Essays (third series) on the errors of Romanism, having their origin in human nature [Texto impreso]

Whately, Richard - 1850
Biblioteca Nacional de España

20. Expositions and notes on sundry portions of the Holy Scriptures together with the practice of prelates [Texto impreso]

Tyndale, William - 1849