
Registros 121-140 de 2.002 para la búsqueda

tipo de materia Cartas náuticas 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

121. A New Chart of the China Sea with its several entrances [Material cartográfico] : Drawn from a Great Number of Draughts Journals, and other Nautical Documents, Regulated by Astronomical Observations

Larkins, John Paskall - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

122. A New Chart of Davis's Streights Including James Island, Waygat Island, And the Island Disko [Material cartográfico] Including James Island, Waygat Island, And the Island Disko

Steel, David - 1787
Biblioteca Nacional de España

123. A New Chart of the Eastern Straits or The Straits to the East of Java with the Adjacent Islands [Material cartográfico]

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

124. A New Chart of the Indian and Pacific Oceans Between the Cape of Good Hope, New Holland, and Japan [Material cartográfico] : Comprehending New Zealand, New Caledonia, New Britain, New Ireland, New Guinea, &c: Louisiade and New Georgia : also the Pelew, New Caroline, Ladrone, and Philippine Islands, whit all those which have been discoverd in the Yeard 1788 & the tracks of the English, French, Spanish, & Dutch Discoverers

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - entre 1788 y 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

125. A New Chart of the Java Sea [Material cartográfico] : Within the Isles of Sunda, with Its Straits, and the Adjacent Seas

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

126. A New Chart of the Mediterranean Sea [Material cartográfico] : Composed from the Draughts of the Pilots of Marseilles : Corrected by Astronomical Observations by Order of Mgr. Le Comte de Maurepas : To which are annexed by the Editor A Draught of the Streights Mouth including the Bays of Cadis, Gibraltar and Malaga ; also the Ports of Leghorne, Naples, Mahon, Smyrna, Salonichi, Scandaroon and Alexandria with the Course of the Nile from the last place to Cairo

Mount & Page (Londres) - entre 1700 y 1750?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

127. A New Chart of the North Coast of Java, wherein are described the Roads of Bantam and Batavia [Material cartográfico] : From the Manuscript Draught of the Dutch East India Company

Smedley, Henry. Capt. - 1790
Biblioteca Nacional de España

128. A New Chart of the Northern Part of the Strait of Malacca [Material cartográfico] : From Acheen to Malacca

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

129. A New Chart of the Oriental Seas and Islands with the Coasts of the Continent from the Isles of Ceylon to Amoye in China [Material cartográfico] : Laid down from the Draughts & Journals of the British Navigators, and from the Dutch Manuscript Chart of the Moluccas or Spice Islands the whole compared with the last Edition of the Neptune Oriental of Monsr. D'apres de Mannevillett

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

130. A New chart of the Straits of Macassar [Material cartográfico] : Between the Islands of Borneo and Celebes with the Adjacent Seas

Larkins, John Paskall - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

131. A New Chart of the Straits of Sunda [Material cartográfico] : From the Manuscript of the Dutch East India Company Corrected and Improved from the Observations of Captn. Henry Smedley of the Raymond 1785, Captn. Parker of the Bridgewater 1787, and of Captn. John Hall, of the Worcester, 1788 &c.

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

132. A New Chart of the Straits to the Westward of New Guinea [Material cartográfico] : Comprehending The Straits of New Guinea, Revenge's or Galewo Straits, Pitt's or Sagewin Straits, Dampier'sor Gamen Straits with the Straits of Bougainville at the West End of Waygeoo Island

Sayer, Robert (1725-1794) - 1790
Biblioteca Nacional de España

133. A New Chart of Sunda, Banca, Gasper, & Clements straits [Material cartográfico] : Corrected from the Dutch, & Latest Approved English Materials

Gilbert, William (s. XVIII) - 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

134. A New Chart of the West Coast of Sumatra, from the Equinoctial Line, to the Straits of Sunda [Material cartográfico]

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

135. A New Chart of the West Indies including the Florida Gulf and Stream [Material cartográfico]

Stephenson, J. - 1796
Biblioteca Nacional de España

136. A New Correct Chart of the Caribee or Windward Islands [Material cartográfico]

Moore, John Hamilton (1738-1807) - 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

137. A New Draft of the Black Sea with The Sea of Azof and The Sea of Marmora [Material cartográfico]

Sayer, Robert (1725-1794) - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

138. A New Draft of the Propontis or Sea of Marmora with the Bosphorus and the Channel of the Dardanells [Material cartográfico] : Improved from The Survey Made By Order of The French Governement, in the Year 1772

Sayer, Robert (1725-1794) - entre 1772 y 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

139. A New General Chart of the Indian and Pacific Oceans [Material cartográfico] : Including the Navigation from the Cape of Good Hope Round New Holland to Canton in China

Hamilton Moore, John - 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

140. A New General Chart of the West Indies From the latest Marine Journals and Surveys, Regulated Ascertained by Astronomical Observations [Material cartográfico]

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - 1794