
Registros 81-100 de 50.007 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Libro Y tipo de materia Chile. Ejército.. Regimiento de Caballería no 2. Cazadores "General Baquedano" 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

81. A la catolica real magestad del Rey don Felipe III ... cerca de la forma y traça, como ... podrian remediarse algunos peccados, excessos, y desordenes ... de q̃ esta villa de Madrid al presente tiene falta ... en caso de que su Magestad fuesse seruido, de no hazer mudança con su Corte á la ciudad de Valladolid

Pérez de Herrera, Cristóbal - 1601
Biblioteca Nacional de España

82. A la Catolica y Cesarea Magestad ... Doña Maria Ana de Austria, Reina, y Gobernadora de los Reinos, y Monarquia de España, Patrona especial, y Protectora del Real, y Militar Orden de Nuestra Señora de la Merced, y Redempcion de Cautivos Christianos. Respondese a un memorial, que se dio à su Magestad, sobre el rescate de los Cortados, niños, y mugeres, que padecen en la tirana, y cruel Esclavitud de Argel

Gómez de Losada, Gabriel - 1675
Biblioteca Nacional de España

83. A Cervantes : La Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de Barcelona, 1905

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547-1616) - 1905
Biblioteca Nacional de España

84. A Cervantes en su tercer centenario [Texto impreso] : homenaje del Instituto Argentino de Artes Gráficas, 23 de abril de 1916

Instituto Argentino de Artes Graficas - 1916
Biblioteca Nacional de España

85. A challenge [Texto impreso] : Chili's vindication : with photographic reproductions of documentary evidence

Trumbull, John - 1892
Biblioteca Nacional de España

86. A cien años de Beethoven, 1827 26 de marzo 1927 [Texto impreso]

Salas Subirat, José - 1927
Biblioteca Nacional de España

87. A ciganita

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de - 1940
Biblioteca Nacional de España

88. A circumstantial Journal of the long and tedious blockade and siege of Gibraltar, from the twelfth of September, 1779, to the third day of February, 1783 [Texto impreso]

- 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

89. A classical and archaeological dictionary of the manners, customs, laws, institutions, arts, etc. of the celebrated nations of Antiquity, and of the Middle Ages [Texto impreso] : to which is prefixed a synoptical and chronological view of ancient history

Nuttall, P. Austin - 1840
Biblioteca Nacional de España

90. A classical dictionary of the vulgar tongue [Texto impreso]

Grose, Francis - 1796
Biblioteca Nacional de España

91. A collection of English Words not generally used, with their significations and original [Texto impreso] : in two alphabetical Catalogues, the one of such as are proper to the Northern, the other to the Southern Counties, with an account of the preparing and refining such metals and minerals as are gotten in England

Ray, John - 1691
Biblioteca Nacional de España

92. A collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists [Texto impreso] : with a supplement

Wesley, John - 1833
Biblioteca Nacional de España

93. A Collection of the Public General Statutes [Texto impreso] : passed in the twenty ninth & thirtieth years of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, 1866

- 1866
Biblioteca Nacional de España

94. A collection of the works of ... Thomas Chalkley [Texto impreso] : who departed this life in the Island of Tortola, the Fourth Day of the Ninth Month, 1741 : to which in prefixed A journal of his life, travels and Christian experiences

Chalkley, Thomas - 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

95. A la comisión regia que entiende en el arreglo de las tres facultades de curar

Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Madrid - 1836
Biblioteca Nacional de España

96. A compendium or introduction to practical musick : in five parts

Simpson, Christopher - 1727
Biblioteca Nacional de España

97. A compendious dictionary of Italian and other terms used in music [Texto impreso] : illustrated by numerous examples : writen for the use of students

Jousse, J. - 1829
Biblioteca Nacional de España

98. A compendious ecclesiastical history, from the earliest period to the present time [Texto impreso] : with a preface and notes by an american editor

Palmer, William - 1842
Biblioteca Nacional de España

99. A compendious view of the grounds of the teutonick philosophy [Texto impreso] : with considerations by way of enguiry into the subjeet matter, and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen ...

Böhme, Jakob (1575-1624) - 1770
Biblioteca Nacional de España

100. A compleat History of the affairs of Spain, from the first Treaty of Partition, to this time... [Texto impreso]

- 1708