
Registros 41-60 de 154 para a busca

tipo de materia Sánchez Latorre, Luis (1925-2007.). "Memorabilia" 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

41. Catalogue of books. Part I, Theology and ecclesiastical history, metaphysics, moral philosophy and education on sale Thomas Rodd [Texto impreso]

Thomas Rodd (Firma) - 1843
Biblioteca Nacional de España

42. Catalogue of books. Part V, Historical literature [Texto impreo] : consisting of antiquities, voyages and travels, history of various countries, English, Welsh, Scotish and Irish topography and history, heraldry, family history and biography on sale ... by Thomas Rodd

Thomas Rodd (Firma) - 1843
Biblioteca Nacional de España

43. Catalogue of the Library of Congress in the Capitol of the United States of America December, 1839 [Texto impreso]

- 1840
Biblioteca Nacional de España

44. Catalogue of old books in all languages, consisting chiefly of foreing theology and comprising a valuable collection of fathers of the Church, liturgical works, now on sale at the low prices affixed [Texto impreso]

David Nutt (Firma) - entre 1845 y 1848
Biblioteca Nacional de España

45. Catalogue of printed books in the British Museum. Volume I

British Museum - 1841
Biblioteca Nacional de España

46. Catalogue of useful and standard books (new and second hand) in various languages and every department of literature on sale at the affixed prices by James Bain ... [Texto impreso]

James Bain (Firma) - 1837
Biblioteca Nacional de España

47. Catalogue of the well selected library of William Tate, Esq. of Smith Street, Chelsea, deceased : including Manning and Bray's history of Surrey, ... : which will be sold by auction by Mr. S. Leigh Sotheby

- 1839
Biblioteca Nacional de España

48. Clouds in the East [Texto impreso] : travels and adventures on the Perso Turkoman frontier

Baker, Valentine - 1876
Biblioteca Nacional de España

49. The Coin collector's manual, or guide to the numismatic student in the formation of a Cabinet of coins [Texto impreso]

Humphreys, Henry Noel - 1853
Biblioteca Nacional de España

50. Colección de las Alocuciones Consistoriales, Enciclicas y demas Letras Apostolicas citadas en la Encíclica y el Syllabus del 8 de diciembre de 1864 con la traduccion castellana hecha directamente del latin [Texto impreso]

- 1865
Biblioteca Nacional de España

51. Costa y el problema de la educación nacional

González-Blanco, Edmundo - 1920
Biblioteca Nacional de España

52. D. Io. Iacobi Mascouii Principia iuris publici Imperii Romano Germanici ex ipsis legibus, actisque publicis eruta et ad usum rerum accomodata [Texto impreso]

Mascov, Johann Jakob - 1744
Biblioteca Nacional de España

53. Danielis Georgi[i] Morhofi[i] Polyhistor, sive De notitia auctorum et rerum commentarii : quibus præterea varia ad omnes disciplinas consilia et subsidia proponuntur

Morhof, Daniel Georg - entre 1688 y 1692
Biblioteca Nacional de España

54. De bibliorum textibus originalibus, versionibus graecis, & latina vulgata [Texto impreso] : libri IV. Praemittitur Aristae historiae gr. et lat.

Hody, Humphrey - 1705
Biblioteca Nacional de España

55. De optimo splendidiorique eloquentiae genere ad oratoriam sacram transferendo oratio ad Fulgentinos alumnos [Texto impreso]

Romeu Bru, Francisco Javier - 1783
Biblioteca Nacional de España

56. De Philippi Melanchthonis ortu, totius vitae curriculo et morte, implicata rerum memorabilium temporis illius hominumque mentione atque indicio [Texto impreso] : cum expositionis serie cohaerentium

Camerarius, Joachim - 1566
Biblioteca Nacional de España

57. De studio literarum recte et commode instituendo, ad inuictissimum, & potentissimum principem Franciscum regem Franciae [Texto impreso]

Budé, Guillaume - 1533
Biblioteca Nacional de España

58. Delaplaine's Repository of the Lives and Portraits of distinguised american characters [Texto impreso]

Delaplaine, Joseph - entre 1815 y 1816
Biblioteca Nacional de España

59. Demosthenis et Aeschinis principum Graeciae oratorum Opera : cum utriusq[ue], autoris vita & Ulpiani commentariis, nouisq[ue], scholiis, ex quarta, eaque postrema recognitione, graecolatina : sex codicum impressorum [et] inter hos Parisiensis nuper editi duorum manuscriptorum alterius Pannonii. alterius ex Augustina Bibliotheca... collatione : à mendis repurgata, uariis lectionibus adaucta, annotationibus illustrata

Demóstenes - 1604
Biblioteca Nacional de España

60. Deontología : (breviario de moral práctica)

Luis André, Eloy - 1931