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Registro 1 de 1 para la búsqueda Autor Alessandra Gobbi Santos; Arquiteta e Urbanista. Mestre em Engenharia de Infra-estruturas e Meio Ambiente da Universidade de Passo Fundo – UPF, Passo Fundo, RS, Brasil 

Cooperativas habitacionais e capacitação profissional

Alessandra Gobbi Santos; Arquiteta e Urbanista. Mestre em Engenharia de Infra-estruturas e Meio Ambiente da Universidade de Passo FundoUPF, Passo Fundo, RS, Brasil


  • Datos de edición Revista de Urbanismo; No. 12 (2005): Junio
    Departamento de Urbanismo -FAU- Universidad de Chile
  • Tipo de Documento Prensa y Revistas
  • Materia Progressive housing solutions, santiago de chile housing plan (1934), garden town, worker's community orchard, lot subdivisions. housing cooperatives brasil, self - menage, professional qualification
  • Descripción
    This subject describes the importance of the social commitment in the formation of the architecture and urbanization professionals at the moment what is approach the housing thematic of social interesting. This approach is doing through of the presentation of directives ordering of implementation of self - managed housing cooperatives in order to aid ...
    This subject describes the importance of the social commitment in the formation of the architecture and urbanization professionals at the moment what is approach the housing thematic of social interesting. This approach is doing through of the presentation of directives ordering of implementation of self - managed housing cooperatives in order to aid in the preparation of students and in the assistment with the enable of the professionals. On the context is doing presentation of a chart of directives ordering and from this chart presents also two pictures: the first to illustrate the principal reasons of the dissolving of the self - managed housing cooperatives, and the second demonstrate the role of the tecnic assistance and more specifyty the essential function of the urban architect on a self - managed housing cooperatives. To the ending, are exposed concepts and characteristics of the self administration on the production of residence dwelling.
    Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética
  • Identificador 35428
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