
Registros 501-520 de 68.579 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Libro Y tipo de materia Cerro "Los Tres Hermanos" (Argentina) 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

501. A treatise of algebra, in three parts... To which is added, an appendix, concerning the general properties of geometrical lines

Mac Laurin, Colin - 1796
Biblioteca Nacional de España

502. A treatise of the Cholick [Texto impreso]

Purcell, John - 1714
Biblioteca Nacional de España

503. A treatise of the difference betwixt the temporal and eternal composed in spanish by Eusebius Nieremberg S.J. translated into English by Sir Vivian Mullineaux, knight. And since reviewed according to the tenth and last Spanish edition.

Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio - 1672
Biblioteca Nacional de España

504. A treatise of the gout [Texto impreso]

Mayerne, Théodore Turquet de - 1676
Biblioteca Nacional de España

505. A Treatise on the art of dancing

Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea - 1765
Biblioteca Nacional de España

506. A treatise on the winning and working of collieries [Texto impreso] : including numerous statistics regarding ventilation and the prevention of accidents in mines, and illustrated with explanatory engravings and collieny plans

Dunn, Matthias - 1852
Biblioteca Nacional de España

507. A Treatise upon the Authenticity of the Scriptures, and the truth of the Christian religion [Texto impreso]

Bryant, Jacob - 1810
Biblioteca Nacional de España

508. A tres puntos se han reducido los informes que se han dado por parte del Señor Cardenal de Sandoual, Arçobispo de Toledo, en el pleyto que sigue con Don Geronimo de Guardiola. El primero, sobre que funda de derecho, para el retracto que tiene introducido de la Villa de la Guardia ...

Toledo (Archidiócesis). Arzobispo (1646-1665: Baltasar Moscoso y Sandoval) - 1619
Biblioteca Nacional de España

509. A trip to Mexico or recollections of a ten months' ramble in 1849 50 [Texto impreso]

Forbes, Alexander Clark - 1851
Biblioteca Nacional de España

510. A triste cançao do sul [Texto impreso] : (subsidios para a historia de Fado)

Pimentel, Alberto - 1904
Biblioteca Nacional de España

511. A true and genuine history of the two last wars againse France and Spain... [Texto impreso]

Defoe, Daniel - 1741
Biblioteca Nacional de España

512. A última hora [Texto impreso] : entremés lírico dramático, original y en verso

Olona, José - 1850
Biblioteca Nacional de España

513. A Venezia

García Martín, José Luis - 2014
Biblioteca Nacional de España

514. A la vera del mar [Texto impreso] : novela

Chirveches, Armando - 1926
Biblioteca Nacional de España

515. A verdadeira sabedoria ou Consideraçoens muy uteis para adquerir o Santo temor de'Deos [Texto impreso] : ordenadas pera todos os dias da Somana

Segneri, Paolo - 1697
Biblioteca Nacional de España

516. A via sinuosa [Texto impreso] : romance

Ribeiro, Aquilino - 1917
Biblioteca Nacional de España

517. A Vida ao ar livre [Texto impreso]

Müller, Jorgen Peter - 1911
Biblioteca Nacional de España

518. A vida do Direito e a inutilidade das leis [Texto impreso]

Cruet, Jean - 1924
Biblioteca Nacional de España

519. A vida e a morte do Exm. Sr. Conselheiro Francisco Freire Allemao Cysneiro [Texto impreso] : escripta em vista das notas por elle proprio fornecidas

Mello Moraes, Alexandre Jose de - 1874
Biblioteca Nacional de España

520. A view of the french campaign in Russia, in the year 1812, collected from the official and other documents of both nations [Texto impreso] : containing the movements of both armies, and all the battles fought, from the time of the entrance of the franch into the russian territories at Kowno, ... to their retreat from Moscow, and the subsequent disasters...

- 1813