
Registros 1.561-1.580 de 109.187 para la búsqueda

Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España Y tipo de materia Zamorano Pérez, Pedro Emilio (1953-.). "Pintores de la región del Maule" 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

1561. A todos los buenos españoles residentes en Cuba, y en particular a los voluntarios, manifestando el modo y manera de concluir la guerra [Texto impreso]

- 1869
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1562. A todos los españoles y en particular al ejército

- 1882
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1563. A todas las organizaciones de la Unión [Texto impreso]

UGT - 1932
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1564. A todo honor [Texto impreso]

Trigo, Felipe - 1909
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1565. A todo honor

Trigo, Felipe - 1910
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1566. A todos

Arenal, Concepción - 1869
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1567. A Toledo desde el Cuzco [Texto impreso]

Pacheco Zegarra, Gavino - 1893
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1568. A tomada de Cayena pelos portuguezes a os francezes e capitulaçâo com que se rendeo [Texto impreso]

Impressão Regia - 1809
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1569. A tomada de Santarém por D. Affonso Henriques, ou O captivo de Abzechri : drama en 3 actos e 6 quadros

Bordalo, José Maria - 1843
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1570. A toi mes rêves [Música notada] : valse langoureuse

Durward, Henry - 1919
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1571. A tongue combat [Texto impreso] : lately happening betweene two English souldiers in the Tiltboat of Grauesend, the one going to serve the King of Spaine, the other to serue the States Generall of the Vnited Provinces : wherein the cause, course and continuance of those warres, is debated, and declared

Scott, Thomas - 1623
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1572. A una tórtola [Música notada] : canción

Falcó, Antonio - 1870
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1573. A tour from London to Petersburgh, from thence to Moscow, and return... by... Courland, Poland, Germany and Holland [Texto impreso]

Richard, John - 1780
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1574. A tour in England and Scotland in 1785 [Texto impreso]

Thomson, William - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1575. A tour in Italy and Sicily [Texto impreso]

Simond, Louis - 1828
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1576. A tour through the highlands of Scotland and the Hebride Isles in MDCCLXXXVI [Texto impreso]

Knox, John - 1787
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1577. A tour through Holland, Dutch Brabant the Austrian Netherlands and part of France... [Texto impreso] : description of Paris...

Peckham, Harry - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1578. A tour through Italy, containing full directions for travelling in that... country... [Texto impreso]

Martyn, Thomas - 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1579. A tour through some of the northern parts of Europe, particularly Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Petersburgh [Texto impreso] : in a series of letters

Wraxall, Nathaniel William - 1775
Biblioteca Nacional de España

1580. A translation of Jacobs' Greek reader (adapted to all the editions printed in America) [Texto impreso] : for the use of schools, academies, colleges and private learners ... illustrated with numerous parallel passages and apposite quotations ... and a complete parsing index elucidated by references to the most popular Greek grammars extant

Jacobs, Friedrich - 1842