
Registros 10.701-10.720 de 12.763 para la búsqueda

Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España Y tipo de materia Asociación Cultural Biblioteca Popular "Anatole France" (Buenos Aires) 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

10701. Reponse generale au noveau livre de M. Claude [Texto impreso]

Arnauld, Antoine - 1671
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10702. Reponse pour sa majesté imperiale au manifeste de la France

- 1688
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10703. Reponse an traité des études monastiques [Texto impreso]

Rancé, Armand-Jean de - 1692
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10704. Réponse à l'apologie pour la reformation, pour les reformateurs et pour les reformes [Texto impreso] : où l'on traite de l'eglise ; del'estat monastique & et de quelques autres matieres de religion

Ferrand - 1685
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10705. Réponse à la question: Que doit on à l'Espagne? [Texto impreso] : discours lu à l'Académie de Berlin dans l'assemblée publique du 26 Janvier l'an 1786 pour le jour anniversaire du Roi

Denina, Carlo - 1786
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10706. Reponses aux raisons qui out obligé les Prétendus Réformés de se séparer del'Englise Catholique, & qui les empêchent maintenant de s'y réunir par mademoiselle de Beaumont... [Texto impreso]

- 1749
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10707. Report from the Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the health of the prisoners confined in the King's House, at Winchester [Texto impreso]

Gran Bretaña. Parliament. House of Commons - 1780
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10708. The report of the directors to the fifty third general meeting of the Missionary Society, usually called the London Missionary Society, on Thursday, May 13, 1847 [Texto impreso] : with the list of contributors &c, &c, &

Congregational Council for World Mission - 1847
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10709. Report of the International Conference on the Blind and exhibition of the arts and industries of the blind [Texto impreso] : held at the Church House Westmister. June 18th. to 24th. (inclusive), 1914

- 1914
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10710. Report of J.J. Williams, chief engineer, upon the location of the Tehuantepec railway ... [Texto impreso] : and his report on the subject of a ship canal

Williams, J. J. - 1870
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10711. Report of the Secretary of Foreing Relations of the Republic of Guatemala, to the National Legislative Assembly, concerning the capture and death of General J. Martín Barrundia [Texto impreso]

Guatemala. Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores - 1891
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10712. Report of the trial and martyrdom of Pietro Carnesecchi, sometime secretary to pope Clement VII and apostolic protonotary [Texto impreso]

Gibbings, Richard - 1856
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10713. Report on conflicting translations in the documents of our boundary question with Chili [Texto impreso]

Lamarca, Emilio - 1902
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10714. Report on the International Exhibition of Electricity : held at Paris August to November, 1881

Heap, David Porter - 1884
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10715. Report to her Majesty's principal secretary of state for the home department from the poor law commissioners, on an inquiry into the sanitary condition of the labouring population of Great Britain [Texto impreso] : with appendices...

- 1842
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10716. Report which the Mexican Delegation submits to the second Pan American Conference : on what the United Mexican States have performed following the recommendations of the first conference assembled at Washington in 1889 1896

- 1901
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10717. El reposo de San Marcos : historia de Venecia para los raros viajeros que se ocupan todavía de sus monumentos

Ruskin, John - 1915
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10718. Repouse generale au livre de Mr. Arnavd intitulé le renversement de la morale de Jesus Christ, etc. [Texto impreso]

Merlat, Elie - 1676
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10719. Representacion del ... Señor Marqués de la Romana á la Junta Central [Texto impreso]

Romana, Pedro Caro y Sureda - 1809?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10720. Representacion de la diputacion americana a las Córtes de España : en 1º de agosto de 1811 : con notas del editor inglés

Valdés, Alejandro (s. XIX) - 1820