
Records 21-40 of 34,626 for the search

Document Type Libro And tipo de materia GAZMURI RIVEROS, CRISTIAN. "48" CHILENO 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

21. A avó ou duas vezes mae [Texto impreso] : Traducçao portugueza

Marcel, Étienne - 1926
Biblioteca Nacional de España

22. A besos y a muerte

El Caballero Audaz - 1927
Biblioteca Nacional de España

23. A Bico de Penna [Texto impreso] : Fantasias, contos e perfis. 1902 1908

Coelho Netto, Henrique - 1925
Biblioteca Nacional de España

24. A la bona memoria del eximi philosoph vilafranqui Xavier Llorens y Barba : colecció de treballs dedicats al mateix, ab el Discurs que pronunciá en la Inauguraciò del Curs Universitari

Llorens y Barba, Francisco Javier (1820-1872) - 1901
Biblioteca Nacional de España

25. A brief discourse of the troubles begun at Frankfort in the year 1554, about the Book of common prayer and ceremonies [Texto impreso]

- 1846
Biblioteca Nacional de España

26. A brief grammar of the laws and constitution of England [Texto impreso]

Goldsmith, J. - 1809
Biblioteca Nacional de España

27. A brother's portrait, or Memoirs of the late Rev. William Barber ... [Texto impreso]

Barber, William - 1830
Biblioteca Nacional de España

28. A la buena de Dios : (filosofía ligera)

Medina, Vicente - 1922
Biblioteca Nacional de España

29. A Calderón [Texto impreso] : oda ; Calderón y su siglo : ideales de Calderón

García Valero, Eloy - 1881
Biblioteca Nacional de España

30. A call to the unconverted to turn and live [Texto impreso]

Baxter, Richard - ?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

31. A Capital Federal [Texto impreso] : (Impressoes de um Sertanejo)

Coelho Netto, Henrique - 1924
Biblioteca Nacional de España

32. A cara o cruz : novela

Palacio Valdés, Armando - 1929
Biblioteca Nacional de España

33. A caravela portuguesa e a prioridade técnica das navegações henriquinas

Fonseca, Quirino da - 1934
Biblioteca Nacional de España

34. A casarse tocan o La misa a grande orquesta [Texto impreso] : sainete cómico lírico, en un acto y en verso

Vega, Ricardo de la - 1889
Biblioteca Nacional de España

35. A catalogue of a choice collection of sermons and books in divinity by eminent English and American divines, with a few on miscellaneons subjects now offered for sale, by Thomas Jepps

Thomas Jepps (Firma) - 1853
Biblioteca Nacional de España

36. A catalogue of a most extraordinary collection of foreign books and manuscripts, received from the continent, selected from the libraries of Mayans, Iriarte, La Serna, ...

Wheatley and Adlard (Firma) - 1829
Biblioteca Nacional de España

37. A catalogue of a splendid and matchless pictorial collection of Gobelin tapestry, Aubusson velvet and tapestry carpets, royal curtains, &c., the whole produced from C. Sallandrouze Lamornaix's ... [Texto impreso]

- 1840
Biblioteca Nacional de España

38. A catalogue of a valuable collection of books, in the French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian languages : both printed and in manuscript on sale by John Bohn ...

John Bohn (Firma) - 1833
Biblioteca Nacional de España

39. A catalogue of the Ashmolean Museum, descriptive of the zoological specimens, antiquities, coins, and miscellaneous curiosities

Ashmolean Museum - 1836
Biblioteca Nacional de España

40. A catalogue of the books in the Gibraltar Garrison Library, established in the year 1793 : with the fundamental and by laws, and a list of the subscribers

Gibraltar Garrison Library - 1847