
Registros 121-140 de 8.041 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Libro Y tipo de materia Compañía Naviera "Grace Line Company" (Valparaíso, Chile) 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

121. A jewish Calendar for sixty four years : detailing the new moons, festivals, and fasts ...

Lindo, Elias Hayim - 1838
Biblioteca Nacional de España

122. A Journal by one of the suite of Thomás Beckington, aftewards bishop of Bath and Wells, during an embassy to negociate a marriage between Henry VI. and a daughter of the Count of Armagnac. A.D. MCCCXLII [Texto impreso]

Nicolas, Nicholas Harris - 1828
Biblioteca Nacional de España

123. A journal kept on a journey from Bassora to Bagdad, over the little desert, to Aleppo, Cyprus, Rhodes, Zante... in the year 1779 [Texto impreso]

Evers - 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

124. A journal of the life, gospel labours and Christian experiences of that faithful minister of Jesus Christ, John Woolman, late of Mount Holy in the province of New Jersey, North America [Texto impreso] : to which are added, his last epistle, and other writings

Woolman, John - 1840
Biblioteca Nacional de España

125. A journal of the life, travels, and labours in the work of the Ministry of John Griffith [Texto impreso]

Griffith, John - 1779
Biblioteca Nacional de España

126. A journal of the life, travels, and religions labours of William Savery [Texto impreso] : late of Philadelphia, a minister of the Gospel of Christ in the Society of Friends

Savery, William - 1844
Biblioteca Nacional de España

127. A journal of ther life, trauels, and gospel labours, of that faithful seruant and Minister of Christ [Texto impreso]

Scott, Job - 1798
Biblioteca Nacional de España

128. A journal or account of William Daniel... in undertaking to go from London to Suvrat in India [Texto impreso]

Daniel, William - 1702
Biblioteca Nacional de España

129. A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at easter, A.D. 1697 [Texto impreso]

Maundrell, Henry - 1714
Biblioteca Nacional de España

130. A journey from Birmingham to London [Texto impreso]

Hutton, W. - 1785
Biblioteca Nacional de España

131. A journey into Greece [Texto impreso]

Wheler, George - 1682
Biblioteca Nacional de España

132. A lady's voyage round the world [Texto impreso] : a selected translation from the German of Ida Pfeiffer

Pfeiffer, Ida - 1851
Biblioteca Nacional de España

133. A lecture on the Protestant Reformation in England in the sixteenth century [Texto impreso]

Charleton, Robert - 1863
Biblioteca Nacional de España

134. A lecture to young men on chastity [Texto impreso] : Intended also for the serious consideration of parents and guardians

Graham, Sylvester - 1843
Biblioteca Nacional de España

135. A Letter from one of the people call'd Quakers to Francis De Voltaire, occasioned by his Remarks on that people in his letter concerning the English nation [Texto impreso]

Martin, Josiah - 1742
Biblioteca Nacional de España

136. A letter to a friend, concerning a tract recently published at Cork [Texto impreso]

Newton, Benjamin Wills - 1850
Biblioteca Nacional de España

137. A letter to Charles Butler [Texto impreso] : esq. on his notice of the "Practical and internal evidence against Catholicism"

Blanco White, José María - 1826
Biblioteca Nacional de España

138. A letter to G.R. Robinson, Esq., chairman of the Committee of Spanish American Bondholders on the present state and prospects of the Spanish American loans [Texto impreso]

Wyllie, Robert Crichton - 1840?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

139. A letter to Joshua Watson giving an account of a singular literary fraud practised on the memory of bishop Jeremy Taylor [Texto impreso]

Churton, Edward - 1848
Biblioteca Nacional de España

140. A letter to the Minister of Silver Street Chapel Taunton, in reply to his recent lecture against the Pre Millennial advent of the Lord [Texto impreso]

Newton, Benjamin Wills - ?