
Registros 5.341-5.360 de 21.932 para a busca

Tipo de documento Material cartográfico impreso 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

5341. Chart of the Island Pakan or Formosa [Material cartográfico] : From a Dutch MS.

Harrison, William (grabador) - 1792
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5342. Chart of the Island Palawan [Material cartográfico] : From Observations in the sloop Endeavour in April & Mayo 1774

Barton, James - entre 1774 y 1781
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5343. Chart of the Island St. Mathew and Adjacent Islands [Material cartográfico]

Forrest, Thomas - entre 1783 y 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5344. Chart of the Islands and Shoals to the Westward of Celebes [Material cartográfico] : From a Dutch the Collection of the late Capt. Charles Boddam

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1786
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5345. Chart of the Islands and Straits situated to the South of the Mergui Archipelago [Material cartográfico]

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - entre 1783 y 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5346. Chart of the Islands called Pehoe or Ponghou [Material cartográfico] : From a Dutch MS. in possession of Hone. Archibald Fraser

Mailla, P. - 1792
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5347. Chart of the Islands Mangaray and Sumba with Timor and the adjacent Islands [Material cartográfico] : From a Dutch printed Chart, most obligingly communicated by Mr. Sayer

Sayer, Robert (1725-1794) - 1792
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5348. Chart of the Islands seen in the Warwick Capt. James Devar 1761 [Material cartográfico]

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - entre 1761 y 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5349. Chart of Leghorn Road from the River Arno to Pt. Nero [Material cartográfico]

Jackson, John. Captain - 1792
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5350. Chart of the Maldivés [Material cartográfico] : From an English MS. purchasid in 1759 from the collection of Capt. Francis Taylor

Taylor, Francis - entre 1759 y 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5351. Chart of Martavan River [Material cartográfico] : From an English MS.

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1780
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5352. Chart of Mounts Bay and the adjacent Coast From the Lizard Point to Cape Cornwall [Material cartográfico]

Thomas, John. Hidrógrafo - entre 1751 y 1793
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5353. Chart of the Mouth of the Megna River in Bengal [Material cartográfico] : To the Eastward of Ramnabad Island

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1785?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5354. Chart of the Mozambique Channel and Island Madagascar [Material cartográfico]

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (1703-1772) - entre 1767 y 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5355. Chart of the Mozambique Channel with and of Madagascar [Material cartográfico]

Thornton, John (s. XVIII) - entre 1703 y 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5356. Chart of the Mozambique Channel with The Island Madagascar and the opposite Coast of Africa [Material cartográfico]

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - entre 1753 y 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5357. Chart of the Moçambique Channel with Madagascar and the opposite Coast of Africa [Material cartográfico] : From the New Edition of the Neptune Oriental

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - entre 1775 y 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5358. Chart of the Neptunes Track off Diamond Island [Material cartográfico]

Harrison, William (grabador) - 1786
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5359. Chart of the Nicobar Islands [Material cartográfico]

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - entre 1758 y 1784
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5360. Chart of the North End of Banka [Material cartográfico]

Wilson, Lestock - 1791