
Registros 421-440 de 11.658 para a busca

Tipo de documento Material cartográfico impreso Y Institución Biblioteca Nacional de España 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

421. A New Chart of the Gulf or Bay of Bengal with Part of the Indian Ocean as far as the line [Material cartográfico]

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

422. A New Chart of Harwich Harbour with the Rolling Ground, Felstow Road, Golder More's and Flats of the Naze [Material cartográfico] : most humbly Inscribed and Presented To the Honoble. Captn. James Luttrell

Burn, George - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

423. A New Chart of the Indian and Pacific Oceans Between the Cape of Good Hope, New Holland, and Japan [Material cartográfico] : Comprehending New Zealand, New Caledonia, New Britain, New Ireland, New Guinea, &c: Louisiade and New Georgia : also the Pelew, New Caroline, Ladrone, and Philippine Islands, whit all those which have been discoverd in the Yeard 1788 & the tracks of the English, French, Spanish, & Dutch Discoverers

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - entre 1788 y 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

424. A New Chart of the Island of Guernsey with those of Sark, Herm and Jethou [Material cartográfico] : Shewing all the Rocks, Shoals and other Dangers the Channels, Soundings and Run of the Tides &c.

Dobree, Nicholas - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

425. A New Chart of the Islands of Scilly [Material cartográfico] : with their Soundings Channels and Sailing Marks

Tovey, Abraham - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

426. A New Chart of the Java Sea [Material cartográfico] : Within the Isles of Sunda, with Its Straits, and the Adjacent Seas

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

427. A New Chart of the Mediterranean Sea [Material cartográfico] : Composed from the Draughts of the Pilots of Marseilles : Corrected by Astronomical Observations by Order of Mgr. Le Comte de Maurepas : To which are annexed by the Editor A Draught of the Streights Mouth including the Bays of Cadis, Gibraltar and Malaga ; also the Ports of Leghorne, Naples, Mahon, Smyrna, Salonichi, Scandaroon and Alexandria with the Course of the Nile from the last place to Cairo

Mount & Page (Londres) - entre 1700 y 1750?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

428. A New Chart of the North Coast of Java, wherein are described the Roads of Bantam and Batavia [Material cartográfico] : From the Manuscript Draught of the Dutch East India Company

Smedley, Henry. Capt. - 1790
Biblioteca Nacional de España

429. A New Chart of the North Coast of Scotland From Cape Wrath to Duncansby Head, whit Pentland Firth and the Orkney Islands [Material cartográfico] : From Cape Wrath to Duncansby Head, with Pentland Firth and the Orkney Islands

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

430. A New Chart of the North Sea whith the Skager Rack. Extending from the Straits of Dover to the Northward of Bergen in Norway and from the Skaw to the Isles of Shetland [Material cartográfico]

Price, William - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

431. A New Chart of the Northern Part of the Strait of Malacca [Material cartográfico] : From Acheen to Malacca

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

432. A New Chart of the Oriental Seas and Islands with the Coasts of the Continent from the Isles of Ceylon to Amoye in China [Material cartográfico] : Laid down from the Draughts & Journals of the British Navigators, and from the Dutch Manuscript Chart of the Moluccas or Spice Islands the whole compared with the last Edition of the Neptune Oriental of Monsr. D'apres de Mannevillett

Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d' - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

433. A New Chart of the Passage of the Sound [Material cartográfico]

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - entre 1790 y 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

434. A New Chart of the River St. Laurence, from the island of Anticosti To the Falls of Richelieu, with all the Islands, Rocks, Shoals, and Soundings [Material cartográfico] : Also Particular Directions For Navigating the River whith Safety : Taken by Order of Charles Saunders Esqr. Vice Admiral of the Blue, and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships in the Expedition against Quebec in 1759

Saunders, Charles Sir - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

435. A New Chart of the Skager Rak or Skaw Reach, between The East Coast of Norway and The North Coast of Jutland [Material cartográfico] : From the Naze to the Skaw with The West Coast of Norway From Bergen to the Naze

Price, William - 1793
Biblioteca Nacional de España

436. A New Chart of the Southern Coast Of Africa, From The Cape of Good Hope to Dalagoa Bay [Material cartográfico] : Including the Bank of Cape Agulhas, its Soundings, Currents, Within and Without &c.

Ruyter, Gerard de - entre 1786 y 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

437. A New chart of the Straits of Macassar [Material cartográfico] : Between the Islands of Borneo and Celebes with the Adjacent Seas

Larkins, John Paskall - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

438. A New Chart of the Straits of Sunda [Material cartográfico] : From the Manuscript of the Dutch East India Company Corrected and Improved from the Observations of Captn. Henry Smedley of the Raymond 1785, Captn. Parker of the Bridgewater 1787, and of Captn. John Hall, of the Worcester, 1788 &c.

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

439. A New Chart of the Straits to the Westward of New Guinea [Material cartográfico] : Comprehending The Straits of New Guinea, Revenge's or Galewo Straits, Pitt's or Sagewin Straits, Dampier'sor Gamen Straits with the Straits of Bougainville at the West End of Waygeoo Island

Sayer, Robert (1725-1794) - 1790
Biblioteca Nacional de España

440. A New Chart of Sunda, Banca, Gasper, & Clements straits [Material cartográfico] : Corrected from the Dutch, & Latest Approved English Materials

Gilbert, William (s. XVIII) - 1791