
Registros 41-60 de 50.007 para la búsqueda

Tipo de documento Libro Y tipo de materia Chile. Ejército.. Regimiento de Caballería no 2. Cazadores "General Baquedano" 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

41. A Bico de Penna [Texto impreso] : Fantasias, contos e perfis. 1902 1908

Coelho Netto, Henrique - 1925
Biblioteca Nacional de España

42. A la bona memoria del eximi philosoph vilafranqui Xavier Llorens y Barba : colecció de treballs dedicats al mateix, ab el Discurs que pronunciá en la Inauguraciò del Curs Universitari

Llorens y Barba, Francisco Javier (1820-1872) - 1901
Biblioteca Nacional de España

43. A brief discourse of the troubles begun at Frankfort in the year 1554, about the Book of common prayer and ceremonies [Texto impreso]

- 1846
Biblioteca Nacional de España

44. A brief disquisition concerning the early history of printing in America [Texto impreso]

Barlow, Samuel Latham Mitchill - 1866
Biblioteca Nacional de España

45. A brief grammar of the laws and constitution of England [Texto impreso]

Goldsmith, J. - 1809
Biblioteca Nacional de España

46. A brief history of the voyage of Katharine Evan and Sarah Cheevers to the Island of Malta ... [Texto impreso] : and their cruel sufferings in the Inquisition there ... occasion'd by the Malice of the Monks and Friers against them, and their Conferences with them ... and their safe Return ... to England ; to which is added, A short Relation from George Robinson, of the Sufferings which befel him his journey to Jerusalem ...

Evans, Katharine - 1759
Biblioteca Nacional de España

47. A brother's portrait, or Memoirs of the late Rev. William Barber ... [Texto impreso]

Barber, William - 1830
Biblioteca Nacional de España

48. A la buena de Dios : (filosofía ligera)

Medina, Vicente - 1922
Biblioteca Nacional de España

49. A la buena memoria del doctor D. Prudencio M. Berriozábal, profesor de Jurisprudencia en la Universidad de Madrid : sus discípulos en el curso de 1846 al 47

- 1847
Biblioteca Nacional de España

50. A Calderón [Texto impreso] : oda ; Calderón y su siglo : ideales de Calderón

García Valero, Eloy - 1881
Biblioteca Nacional de España

51. A call to the unconverted to turn and live [Texto impreso]

Baxter, Richard - ?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

52. A cara o cruz : novela

Palacio Valdés, Armando - 1929
Biblioteca Nacional de España

53. A caravela portuguesa e a prioridade técnica das navegações henriquinas

Fonseca, Quirino da - 1934
Biblioteca Nacional de España

54. A cartas vistas [Texto impreso] : comedia en un acto y en verso

Flores García, Francisco - 1889
Biblioteca Nacional de España

55. A casarse tocan o La misa a grande orquesta [Texto impreso] : sainete cómico lírico, en un acto y en verso

Vega, Ricardo de la - 1889
Biblioteca Nacional de España

56. A catalogue of a choice collection of sermons and books in divinity by eminent English and American divines, with a few on miscellaneons subjects now offered for sale, by Thomas Jepps

Thomas Jepps (Firma) - 1853
Biblioteca Nacional de España

57. A catalogue of a most extraordinary collection of foreign books and manuscripts, received from the continent, selected from the libraries of Mayans, Iriarte, La Serna, ...

Wheatley and Adlard (Firma) - 1829
Biblioteca Nacional de España

58. A catalogue of a splendid and matchless pictorial collection of Gobelin tapestry, Aubusson velvet and tapestry carpets, royal curtains, &c., the whole produced from C. Sallandrouze Lamornaix's ... [Texto impreso]

- 1840
Biblioteca Nacional de España

59. A catalogue of a valuable collection of books, in the French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian languages : both printed and in manuscript on sale by John Bohn ...

John Bohn (Firma) - 1833
Biblioteca Nacional de España

60. A catalogue of the Ashmolean Museum, descriptive of the zoological specimens, antiquities, coins, and miscellaneous curiosities

Ashmolean Museum - 1836