
Records 21-40 of 12,385 for the search

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

21. A Chart of Channel Creek from George's Point to the sea [Material cartográfico] : Survey'd by Benjamin Lacam at different periods between the Years 1770 and 1780, Including The Middle and Eastern Channels of Hoogly River and the Crossing Track which is now universally followed. Survey'd by John Ritchie Marine Surveyor to the Honble. the East India Company in 1781 and 1783

Ritchie, Capt. John - entre 1770 y 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

22. A Chart of the Chops of the Channel, to the South of Scilly Islands [Material cartográfico] : Containing the West Coast of Cornwall, and Scilly Islands

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - 1795
Biblioteca Nacional de España

23. A Chart of the Coast of India, from Goa to Cape Comorin Exhibiting The Coast of Canara and Malabar... [Material cartográfico] : with the Lake Divas Islands and the Channels of Eight and Nine Degrees

Robert Laurie and James Whittle - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

24. A Chart of the Coast of Java from Bantam to Batavia [Material cartográfico] : Delineated & Translated from a Dutch Original Manuscript

Gilbert, William (s. XVIII) - 1789
Biblioteca Nacional de España

25. A Chart of the Coast of New England from New York to Goldsborough Bay [Material cartográfico]

Bowen, Thomas - entre 1750 y 1790
Biblioteca Nacional de España

26. A Chart of the Coast of New York to North Carolina [Material cartográfico]

- entre 1750 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

27. A Chart of the Coast of Pegu with the Adjacent Coast of Arakan and Tanasserim [Material cartográfico]

Ritchie, Capt. John - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

28. A Chart of the Coast of Spain and Portugal with the Balearic Islands and part of the coast of Barbary [Material cartográfico]

La Rochette, Louis Stanislas d'Arcy de (1731-1802) - 1779
Biblioteca Nacional de España

29. A Chart of the Coast of Wales in St. George's Channel [Material cartográfico]

Morris, Lewis - entre 1737 y 1748
Biblioteca Nacional de España

30. A chart of the coasts of England, France & Spain [Material cartográfico] : from the Isle of Wight to Cape Finisterre in Spain

Steel, David - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

31. A Chart of the coasts of Spain and Portugal with the Balearic Islands and part of the coast of Barbary [Material cartográfico]

La Rochette, Louis Stanislas d'Arcy de (1731-1802) - 1780
Biblioteca Nacional de España

32. A Chart of the China Seas [Material cartográfico] : Containing the Coast of Tsiompa, Cochin China, Tonquin, Part of ghe Coast of China, the Philippine Islands, &c.

Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808) - 1791
Biblioteca Nacional de España

33. A Chart of the China Sea [Material cartográfico] : Inscribed to Monsr. D'Aprés de Mannevillette the ingenious Author of the Neptune Oriental : As a Trubute due to his Labours for the benefit of Navigation and in acknowledgement of his many signal Favours to ADalrymple

Henry, B. - 1771
Biblioteca Nacional de España

34. A Chart of the China Sea and Philippine Islands with the Archipielagos of Felicia and Soloo [Material cartográfico] : Shewing the whole Tract comprized, between Canton and Balambangan, with the Soundings, Shoals, Rocks &ca.

Murillo Velarde, Pedro (1696-1753) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

35. A Chart of the China Sea from the Island of Sanciam to Pedrabranca [Material cartográfico] : with the Course of the River Tigris from Canton to Macao

Sayer, Robert (1725-1794) - entre 1750 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

36. A Chart of Delaware Bay and River [Material cartográfico] : Containig A full and exact Description of the Shores, Creks, Harbours, Soundings, Shoals, Sands, and Bearings of the most considerable Land Marks, &c. &c.

Fisher, Joshua (1707-1783) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

37. A Chart of Delaware Bay and River [Material cartográfico] : Containing a full and exact description of the Shores, Creeks, Harbours, Soundings, Shoals, Sands and Bearings of the most considerable Land Marks, from the Capes to Philadelphia

Haydon, William - 1776?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

38. A Chart of Delaware Bay and River [Material cartográfico] : Containing a full & exact description of the Shores, Creeks, Harbours, Soundings, Shoals, Sands and Bearings of the most considerable Land Marks, from the Capes to Philadelphia

Fisher, Joshua (1707-1783) - 1776
Biblioteca Nacional de España

39. A Chart of the Downs [Material cartográfico] : from the latest Observations, of the most eminent Pilots

Arnold, Stuart Amos - 1783
Biblioteca Nacional de España

40. A Chart of the Downs with the Flats of the North and South Forelands [Material cartográfico]

Ross, Joseph - 1795